Deputy Vice-Chancellor Operations & Registrar
Adrienne Cleland MBA Massey, CPA(Aust.) FFIN

Key responsibilities
Adrienne Cleland, Ihorua Whakahaere, Kaitiaki Rēhitatanga, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Operations and Registrar at the University of Auckland, has a broad administrative portfolio including the Finance, IT, Property, Academic & Shared Services, Organisational Performance, Planning & Information, Campus Life, Legal and Risk functions.
Adrienne has held a number of roles in the Higher Education Sector in New Zealand including Director Corporate Services, Manawatu Polytechnic and University Registrar, Massey University before joining the University of Auckland in 2006.
Adrienne’s background previously had been in the banking sector in marketing, lending and risk management roles. She is a Fellow of CPA and the Financial Services Institute of Australasia and a past Director of KiwiBank Limited.
Contact details
Adrienne Cleland
Ihorua Whakahaere, Kaitiaki Rēhitatanga | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Operations and Registrar
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand.
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 89953
Fax: +64 9 373 7407