Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation
Professor Frank Bloomfield BSc(Hons), MBChB Manc., PhD; FRACP, MRCP(UK)

The role of the Ihorua Rangahau, Deputy-Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation
This is a full time position, with responsibility for:
- Assisting and advising the Vice-Chancellor and University Council on research policy and strategy, research management and performance
- Developing relationships with the University’s research funders and collaborators
- Promoting the research profile of the University locally and internationally
- Operation of the Office of Research Strategy and Integrity
Frank is also Professor of Neonatology. You can find out more about him on Discovery Profiles.
Contact details
Professor Frank Bloomfield
Ihorua Rangahau | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand