Te Taumata Tukuwaro-kore | Net Zero Carbon Strategy

Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland is committed to fostering a climate and carbon-conscious pīkautanga (ethos) within our university community, amplifying the positive transformation needed for all our futures and to achieve and sustain a net zero carbon trajectory for our University by 2030 that is consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5˚C above pre-industrial levels.

Te Taumata Tukuwaro-kore, Net Zero Carbon Strategy has been developed in conjunction with Te Rautaki Aronga Toitū, from the foundation provided by Taumata Teitei, Vision 2030 and Strategic Plan 2025 and the commitments made in Te Rautaki Tūāpapa, Estate Strategy 2021-2030.

Te Taumata Tukuwaro-kore formally acknowledges the work already completed in our journey to reduce the University’s emissions and climate impacts, the important milestone achieved in establishing an independently verified baseline inventory of emissions and the connected conversations, reasoning, decision-making, commitments, and actions that will accelerate our pathway to be a Net Zero University.