Can an AI robot help with loneliness?

Professor Elisabeth Broadbent talks about how AI integrated with companion robots might help with an epidemic of loneliness.

Elizabeth Broadbent and Paro, a companion robot.
professor Broadbent with Paro, a companion robot that has reduced anxiety for people in residential care.

The western world faces an epidemic of loneliness. In America the numbers of people with no close friends has quadrupled since 1990. Loneliness brings serious health issues, as bad as smoking cigarettes. Professor Ellizabeth Broadbent's research examines how companion robots can be more 'companionable'. The likely integration of Artificial Intelligence with robots raises fresh opportunities along with risks that will require good ethical guidelines. She spoke at the inaugural Hīkina kia Tutuki, Rise to the Challenge: Researchers with Global Impact event, hosted by Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland.

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