Enrolling in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Part I

It is important to know that enrolling is different depending on if you’re enrolling for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) as a single or conjoint degree. There is a section for both on this page.

When enrolling, we recommend that you:

  • Enrol in your courses for both Semester One and Two to avoid missing out on a place in your preferred courses.
  • Enrol in Semester One first, then enrol into Semester Two.
  • Enrol as soon as you accept your offer of place to avoid missing out choosing a course time that best works for you.

Please note, you must complete all compulsory core Part I Engineering courses before progressing to Part II Engineering courses.

Enrolling into the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) as a single degree

You can use this information if you’re enrolling into a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) as a single degree.

This means that you’re only studying a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours).

If you’re enrolling into your Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) for the first time, you will enrol into your courses using Timetable Planner.

Programme requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Part I

To ensure you meet the requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Part I, log in to your Student Services Online (SSO) account and visit My programme requirements.

For more information, see How to view your programme requirements.

You can also view the latest version of the Undergraduate Handbook at the Prospectuses and Guides page.

Otherwise, refer to the table below for your BE(Hons) Part I requirements for Semester One and Two.

Enrolling in your courses individually through Subjects

Course requirements

 Semester One  Semester Two
ENGGEN 121 (15pts)
Engineering Mechanics 
CHEMMAT 121 (15pts)
Materials Science
ENGGEN 140 (15pts)
Fundamentals of Engineering in
ELECTENG 101 (15pts)
Electrical and Digital Systems
ENGSCI 111 (15pts)
Mathematical Modelling 1
ENGGEN 131 (15pts)
Intro to Engineering Computation
and Software Development 
 Semester One or Two
ENGGEN 115 (15pts)
Principles of Engineering Design
Waipapa Taumata Rau course* (15pts)
(or AELR course** (15pts) if you are required)
ENGGEN 199 (0pts)
English Language Competency
(You will be enrolled in this course by the Faculty of Engineering AFTER you have met the DELNA requirement. It is highly recommended that you complete this course as soon as possible.)
ACADINT A01 (0pts)
Academic Integrity Course 
(You will be enrolled into this course by the University automatically. It is highly recommended that you complete this course as soon as possible.)

We recommend you take no more than four courses (60pts) a semester so that you do not overload yourself.

Step-by-step enrolment guide for Semester One

1. Sign into Student Services Online
2. Click the 'Enrol' icon, and go to 'Add classes with’
3. Choose 'Timetable Planner' and select the semester you want before clicking the green 'Timetable Planner' button
4. Click the 'Add Course' button:

  • Select 'Search By Subject' tab
  • Select 'Subject' and 'Course'
  • Click 'Add Course'

*You must enrol in a Waipapa Taumata Rau course in your first year – this is a distinctive feature of our University’s degree, designed to broaden your education. It is also a compulsory requirement for your BE(Hons) Part I. This can be in either Semester One or Semester Two.

    **If you're asked to complete an approved AELR course in the first 12 months of your studies, you can check out the list of approved courses at Academic English Language Requirement. This will replace the Waipapa Taumata Rau course for your BE(Hons).

    Step-by-step enrolment guide for Semester Two 

    1. Click the ‘Change’ button and select ‘2024 Semester Two’.
    2. Click the 'Add Course' button:

    • Select 'Search By Subject' tab
    • Select 'Subject' and 'Course'
    • Click 'Add Course'

    3. Click 'Done' to return to the main page for Timetable Planner
    4. Click 'Generate Timetables' to see a detailed view of the timetable and click 'View/Submit'
    5. Click 'Send to Enrolment Cart'
    6. Accept the Terms and Conditions and Click on 'Confirm Enrolment'

    Please note, if you’re transferring from another university and have been approved for a credit transfer of your previous courses, you will need to enrol in your courses individually using the ‘By subject’ tab

    If you’re enrolling in your Engineering courses through ‘By subject,’ please make sure you select the Engineering-specific streams. A stream means that the classes have been specifically set aside for students studying a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours).

    For more information, please see How to enrol in a course.

    Enrolling into Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) as a conjoint degree

    A conjoint degree is when you are completing both a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and another undergraduate programme.

    There are five conjoint degrees available where you can study a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours):

    • Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
    • Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
    • Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
    • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)Bachelor of Music
    • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science

    To find out more about Engineering conjoints and to view the conjoint planners, see Conjoint degrees.

    Please note as an Engineering conjoint student, you are required to prioritise enrolment into the seven BE(Hons) core courses. We strongly advise that you enrol in no more than 60 points in Semester One to avoid overloading yourself.

    You can also refer to the table below for your BE(Hons) Part I requirements as a conjoint student:

    Course requirements

     Semester One  Semester Two
    ENGGEN 121 (15pts)
    Engineering Mechanics 
    CHEMMAT 121 (15pts)
    Materials Science
    ENGGEN 140 (15pts)
    Fundamentals of Engineering in
    ELECTENG 101 (15pts)
    Electrical and Digital Systems
    ENGSCI 111 (15pts)
    Mathematical Modelling 1
    ENGGEN 131 (15pts)
    Intro to Engineering Computation
    and Software Development 
     Semester One or Two
    ENGGEN 115 (15pts)
    Principles of Engineering Design
    Waipapa Taumata Rau course* (15pts)
    (or AELR course** (15pts) if you are required)
    Conjoint course*** (15pts)
    A course from your other conjoint degree component.
    ENGGEN 199 (0pts)
    English Language Competency
    (You will be enrolled in this course by the Faculty of Engineering AFTER you have met the DELNA requirement. It is highly recommended that you complete this course as soon as possible.)
    ACADINT A01 (0pts)
    Academic Integrity Course 
    (You will be enrolled into this course by the University automatically. It is highly recommended that you complete this course as soon as possible.)

    *Waipapa Taumata Rau courses are a distinctive feature of our University’s degree, designed to broaden your education. As a conjoint student you may complete the Waipapa Taumata Rau course at any stage during your conjoint study.

      **If you're asked to complete an approved AELR course in the first 12 months of your studies, you can check out the list of approved courses at Academic English Language Requirement. This will replace the Waipapa Taumata Rau course for your BE(Hons).

      ***You must seek more advice from the faculty for your other conjoint component.


      If you’re a school-leaver, you can view the conjoint planners at Conjoint degrees. You will find out information about your degree and advice about enrolling in your Engineering courses.

      A school-leaver means you have completed your last year at a New Zealand high schoo, or international equivalent, and are entering university for the first time in 2024.


      If you were accepted into a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) conjoint degree through the alternative pathway, you may have discussed your enrolments during your interview.

      You will need to enrol into your courses using Student Services Online.

      For all official programme information, including regulations about entry, enrolment, fees, examinations, and requirements for degrees, diplomas and certificates, see the University Calendar.

      Making changes

      If you're studying the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), you can change your enrolments online through Student Services Online.

      For more information, please see Changing your enrolment.

      Need help?

      If you need help, we recommend that you visit your nearest Student Hub.

      Student Hubs can help with

      • Enrolling in your courses
      • Course advice
      • Questions about being a student at the University