Byron Stewart-Leaton

“Tōia ki Waipapa prepared me for University by giving me the tools and the support to transition and succeed.”

Key facts
Iwi: Ngāpuhi, Tainui & Niue
High school: Howick College

“There were so many benefits to starting my University journey with Tōia ki Waipapa. We had the advantage of finding our way around campus and getting a taste of what University might be like before actually starting the semester. It created a smooth transition for us because we did not know what to expect at University.”

“The best thing about Tōia ki Waipapa, were the friendships I made and the mātauranga shared.”

“As part of the programme we took a university course, and in this course we learnt about all of our history through a Māori lens. The course itself was both enlightening and infuriating at the same time, but it fuelled my passion and desire to one day help my people.”

For anyone thinking about doing this programme…

“Let go of the nerves and worries – and do not be afraid of the unknown. The stress isn’t worth it!”