March 2022
Inside this issue of UniNews: Professor Karen Waldie; Dr Alex Müntz; ABI bequest helps research by Professor Thor Besier and team; Dr Ian Hyslop; PhD researcher Hossein Jahedi. Plus 'In the News','Good to Know', Art & Culture

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Document Description: PDF of the March edition
Cover story
Professor Karen Waldie: neurodiversity is more than a buzzword
Professor Karen Waldie wants educators to be able to access more knowledge to improve outcomes for neurodiverse learners and prevent them ending up with mental health issues in later life.
The perils of extended screen time
Ophthalmology researcher Alex Müntz says guidelines are vital for safe screen use, especially in education.
Hossein Jahedi: doctoral research and dance moves
The loss of his grandmother to pancreatic cancer fuels Hossein Jahedi’s drive to help solve the challenges of this aggressive, challenging disease. But he does take time to dance.
Generous bequest leads to new scholarship at the ABI
The legacy of a remarkable couple with ‘uncommon courage’ will help Professor Thor Besier and other researchers improve the lives of those with movement disorders.
Maureen Lander and the students weaving magic
Renowned Māori artist Dr Maureen Lander is working alongside students from several faculties at her alma mater to create an intricate installation artwork in the University of Auckland's Engineering building.
Ian Hyslop: uncomfortable truths about child protection
Opinion: Child protection social work is a fraught and emotive topic, writes Dr Ian Hyslop.
All these items on PDF only
In the News (Pg 2 of PDF)
Professor Shane Cronin
Dr John Fenaughty
Associate Professor Matire Harwood
Associate Professor Saeid Baroutian
Associate Professor Helen Petousis-Harris
'Good to Know' stories
Cancer award for Cris Print Pg 5
Students' sustainable ideas Pg 5
Ron Jones earns honour Pg 5
Toi me te Ahurea Art & Culture
Event: Online lunchtime panel discussion 8 March for International Women's Day
March Movies at Gus Fisher Art Gallery: 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 March
Books pg 10
House & Contents, Greg O'Brien, AUP
Hei Taonga mā ngāUri Whakatipu, Multiple authors, including Dame Anne Salmond and Billie Lythberg, Aotearoa Books
Contesting Crime Science: Our Misplaced Faith in Crime Prevention Technology, Ronald Kramer and James C. Oleson, University of California Press
The Hidden Scars of Polio, Jan Wills, self-published
Othello for Chinese market, Editor Michael Neill, Oxford University Press
Cohousing for Life, Robin Allison, Mary Egan Publishing
Email us:
Copy deadline is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. The copy deadline for the first issue of 2022 is 11 February. Ideas welcome any time.
UniNews editor
Denise Montgomery
DDI: +64 9 923 6061 In normal times, in the office Tuesday-Thursday
Phone diverts to Skype for Business outside of these times.
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