Chemical Risk Management Protocol: Standard, Guidelines, Safe Methods of Use (SMOUs)

Chemical Risk Management Protocol

The protocol applies to all staff members, visitors, co-locators, contractors and students at the University who direct or participate in the use of chemicals, including but not limited to laboratories and workshops.
Its purpose is:
  • Protect the environment, and the health and safety of people and communities, by preventing or managing the adverse effects of hazardous chemicals
  • Ensure that any adverse effect caused by an act or omission concerning hazardous chemicals on any person or the environment is avoided, remedied, or mitigated 

Here you can find links to all the relevant documents that are part of the protocol

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Chemical Risk Management Standard

Chemical Risk Management Guidelines

Chemical Lab Users' Quick Reference Guide

Safe Methods Of Use (SMOUs) For Hazardous Chemical Use and Management

Please note these SMOUs have been updated in June 2024

Safe Methods Of Use for Classes of Chemicals

Safe Methods of Use for Specific Highly Hazardous Chemicals

Safe Methods of Use for Management of Problematic Chemicals and Hazardous Reactions

Erionite Safety Protocol is available at this website:

Safe Methods of Use for Disposal and Decontamination

More reading on hydrofluoric acid

Local Operational Guidance

Safety at the School of Chemical Sciences

The following downloadable documents contain information that is specific to the School of Chemical Sciences.

Document Control
Version: 1.4
Last Updated: Jul 2024
Next Review: Jul 2027
Approver: Associate Director, Health Safety & Wellbeing