OGGB car park management
Thursday 8 August 2024
The University of Auckland has appointed Wilson Parking as managing agent for the Sir Owen G Glenn Building (OGGB) car park on the City Campus. The contract will commence on Monday 12 August 2024.
This follows a full tender process in which four car parking companies were assessed.
Wilson Parking was selected for its ability to provide more flexible parking options (particularly for casual users), better customer service, multiple payment methods and access to best-practice technology to replace the ageing equipment in the OGGB car park. A service level agreement between the University and Wilson Parking will ensure that improved customer service standards will be maintained.
The University’s car parking team (part of Property Services) will continue to manage car park permits for University staff (requests via the Staff Service Centre portal).
Car parking rates for 2024 will remain unchanged. In the future, all car parking rates will remain subject to University oversight and approval and these will continue to be well below the full commercial rates charged elsewhere in the Auckland CBD. The University's car parking team will also work with Wilson to develop more flexible parking options for casual users in the future.
A spokesperson for the University of Auckland said: “Since the Covid pandemic we have seen increasing demand for more flexible car parking options to support hybrid working and learning at the University. Wilson Parking has the technology, know-how and experience to deliver this for us.”
Questions and answers
Does the University intend to start charging commercial rates?
All car parking rates will remain subject to University oversight and approval; currently, these are well below the full commercial rates charged elsewhere in the Auckland CBD.
Will Wilson be charging enforcement fees, and what will Wilsons charge?
The University's Car Parking Policy and terms and conditions will continue to apply to OGGB car park. Wilson will be tasked with enforcing them with those who enter the car park illegally, or ignore parking protocols. The overall experience for those who use the car park legitimately will be enhanced, and the University's security team can focus on other areas to support the safety of the University's staff, students and visiting external stakeholders.
Will flexible parking permit options be provided for staff?
A flexible parking trial is currently underway at a car park at Grafton Campus. The University's car parking team will work with Wilson to develop more flexible parking options based on the results of the trial.
Will the public using the car park displace permit holders?
The car park is managed to prioritise University car park permits, so there will be minimal impact on the permit holders. Should the car park reach capacity, it would only allow permit users to enter.
Will the University take responsibility for the performance of Wilsons?
The University will take responsibility for Wilson's performance by holding regular meetings and performance reviews, during which Wilson’s progress and achievements will be assessed and discussed. The University will actively collect feedback from the staff to identify areas for improvement and ensure that Wilson meets the expected standards.
When will there be new equipment and technology in the car park?
The University intends to test the market through a procurement exercise and plan for equipment replacement. Communication with car park users will take place before anything changes. There are currently no firm dates for these changes.
I work flexibly a few days a week; will the charges change and make this more expensive?
Wilson is an experienced operator who manages multiple sites in Australasia. Wilson will develop more flexible parking options for casual users using multiple payment methods. All parking rates are subject to the University’s approval, and there is no intention to apply full commercial rates in the OGGB car park.
If I have a complaint about Wilson, who can I contact?
If you have any complaints or feedback on the Wilsons' services, please email carparking@auckland.ac.nz.
What are the main responsibilities of Wilsons and the car parking team?
OGGB car park permits will continue to be managed by the University car parking team. Should permit holders need to apply/ change/ cancel car park permits, they still submit the request via the Staff Service Centre portal. If you have any questions regarding the casual parking, please call Wilsons: 09 375 5056.
If I need to report a problem in the car park, who should I contact?
Please report the problem (or incident) via the Staff Service Centre portal.
Why did the University outsource these services to Wilsons?
External and professional operators who specialize in managing parking services can bring in expertise and experience that ensures efficient and effective operations and the ability to provide more flexible parking options (particularly for casual users), better customer service, multiple payment methods and access to best-practice technology to replace the aging equipment in the OGGB car park. The appointment to Wilson Parking follows a full tender process in which four experienced car parking companies were assessed.