Accommodation FAQ

Please see below frequently asked questions regarding Accommodation applications, fees and residences. Please contact Accommodation Solutions with specific questions.

Accommodation application

What are the application criteria when applying for Accommodation?

All our Accommodation is for full time students studying at The University of
Auckland only.

First-year high school leaver (SL) (students aged 17-19): You are completing/have completed in 2024,, or have previously completed in 2023, your last year at a Aotearoa | New Zealand (or international equivalent) high school.

Undergraduate (UG): You are undertaking undergraduate studies and are NOT a first-year high school leaver; have previously stayed in the University of Auckland Accommodation; are a current student who has never lived in University Accommodation; are a new student (domestic or international) aged 19+; are a student transferring from another tertiary institution (in New Zealand or Overseas).

Postgraduate (PG): You are undertaking Postgraduate studies (i.e. Masters, or PhD). Please note: If you are undertaking a Graduate Diploma or Honours - You are considered an undergraduate applicant for Accommodation.

How does the selection process work / what are the key dates?

For Accommodation commencing at the start Semester One (February), offers will be made for every available bed in early October the year prior. After all spaces are offered, any further offers are then made to those waitlisted on a 'rolling' basis as declines and withdrawals are received. To be considered for the October offer period, your application must be received no later than 30 September. If you apply for accommodation after 30 September, and there are no vacancies available, we'll place your application on the wait list. You can only be on one wait list at a time.

Can applicants list more than one preference / make more than one application?

Applicants can only submit one Accommodation application, with one residence preference. If we are unable to offer a place in the applicants preferred residence, we will email to advise what options are available – either a waitlist for their preferred residence, or an offer for another residence with availability. Note applicants cannot accept an offer AND be on a waitlist at the same time.

What are the chances of getting my preferred residence?

We try to place everyone in their preferred residence but due to the number of applications this is not always possible. We will always try and offer a similar residence.

Is it a fixed length contract or can applicants choose the period they want to stay?

We only offer fixed term length residential agreements, and residents are required to pay for the duration of this term, no matter their arrival or departure date. Our fixed terms are either 38 weeks (SL), 42 or 52 weeks (UG and PG). Study abroad or those finishing their degree midway through the year can apply for a Semester Only term. 

You're applying for a scholarship – do you have to apply for Accommodation?

Yes, you need to complete an Accommodation application – you will be asked as part of the application if you are applying for an Accommodation-inclusive scholarship. If your scholarship application is unsuccessful, you can choose to pay your Accommodation fees yourself or withdraw your application.

What is a CCRF?

CCRF stands for Common Confidential Reference Form. This form is completed and sent to us directly by the applicant’s secondary school and is only required for school-leaver applicants who attended a New Zealand high school in their final year. It contains information about scholastic achievement in the previous year and helps us to grade applications for Accommodation. As part of your application, applicants will be directed as to how and where to apply for this.

Can applicants change their residence preference?

We are happy to change application preferences prior to offers. Please email to request a preference change with the residence you would like to change your application to.

Can applicants apply for Accommodation if they live in Auckland? Will this mean they are last to get offered?

No, this will not impact your Accommodation application. There isn't a hierarchy for applications from a specific location. Please see our Accommodation selections page for further information. 

Accommodation fees

Does it cost to apply for Accommodation?

No - it does not cost to make an Accommodation Application. You will not be required to pay anything until you have received an offer.

How much do applicants have to pay upfront?

When applicants receive an offer, part of securing their spot is paying a $950 deposit. $300 of this is the Administration Fee, and $650 of this goes towards their Accommodation fees. By signing your Residential Agreement Offer, and paying your $950 deposit, your booking is confirmed. 

Do I need to pay anything else before moving in?

Yes - please see your payment schedule for your specific payment obligations. You will be charged one instalment of approximately three weeks rent which will need to be paid prior to moving in (your $650 above goes towards this). This then lines up your future fortnightly payments with Studylink dates. You will also be charged a one-off Residential Services Fee. 

What is the one-off Residential Services Fee?

The one-off Residential Services Fee ($330 for an Academic/Full year, $165 per Semester) is due prior to arrival, and covers laundry facilities, alongside a wide array of events and engagement programming provided throughout your stay. 

How are charges applied? 

Charges are applied fortnightly in advance.

Will StudyLink cover the cost of Accommodation?

This depends on the fees for the hall or residence you are offered, and your personal circumstances when applying for StudyLink. Most residents will either work over the summer to supplement their Studylink payment through the academic year or have a part-time job. Please see the StudyLink website for more information. 

What do Accommodation fees include?

Accommodation fees vary depending on the residence style, room type, and whether meals are included. All residences have power, water and laundry. Residents also have free access to University internet in each hall and residence. 

How can a Resident pay their Accommodation fees?

Please see our Accommodation fees page for all payment information. 

If an applicant doesn’t like their hall or residence, can they leave?

We recommend residents speak to their Resident Manager to discuss options. You can see more information on our withdrawal process here. 

Halls and residences

Which is the most popular residence?

All of our University Accommodation offers the same community engagement and social programming, pastoral support, and safety and security measures. It's not about which is the most popular, but which feels right for the applicant. University Accommodation is what you make it – if residents get involved they’ll make friends for life no matter the hall or residence.

What security and safety measures are in place?

We expect our residents to take a certain amount of personal responsibility for their wellbeing and safety – the first few weeks in our residences there is a focus on personal care, wellbeing and safety through events, info sessions and meetings with their Residential Adviser (RA). Each hall and residence has a team of Accommodation staff who provide pastoral care and levels of escalation for emergency response as needed.

Can parents come to visit?

Yes, we encourage residents to have visitors, however, we recommend giving them some space to get settled in and involved in their residential community on their own. You can learn about our Visitor Policies and more in our Residence Handbooks

Are there carparks available?

Some of our Accommodation have carparks available for residents to hire. An email will be sent to those with reserved bookings at the end of the year with the process to apply for Accommodation carparks. Sometimes there are more applications than carparks available, these are offered on a need basis first.

Are there alcohol free and single-gender floors?

Yes, applicants can indicate if they would prefer an alcohol free and/or a same sex floor on their application, and Accommodation teams will do their best to meet these preferences (dependent on availability).