Exams for students studying remotely

Semester One and Two, and Quarter One to Four Exams 2024

Most examinations in Semesters One and Two and Quarters One to Four 2024 will be designed and conducted as online, non-invigilated, time-limited examinations. Exemptions may apply. 

Inspera Online Assessments will be used for examinations design and delivery, however although please note that there may be some exceptions. If you are unsure, please check with your lecturer.

For more information, see Inspera online assessments

Time granted for the completion of online examinations will be extended by 30 minutes to allow for reading time and the complexity of online modes of completing and submitting examination answers.

For a two-hour exam, you will have two-and-a half hours to complete and submit your exam, or three-and-a-half hours for a three-hour exam.

Your exam timetable

Examinations will be scheduled as per the exam timetable, which is published in New Zealand (NZST). Please follow these instructions on How to view your exam timetable

Please check your timetable on Student Services Online. You are required to sit your exam at the published New Zealand (NZST) time.

If you have conflicting exam times please check the criteria online for Alternative exam times for exams.

Applications to move an examination time must be made by Thursday 9 May 2024.

Please note, if you are located in a different time zone and your exam falls between 10pm and 6am local time, you are not expected to sit your exam during these hours. Local time means the timezone that is where you are located.

To request that your exam time be moved within daytime hours in your location, you will need to email Assessment Services no later than Thursday 9 May 2024

To make an application, please email alternative_exams@auckland.ac.nz.

Sitting your exam

On the day of the exam, ensure you have a quiet study space set up, with good internet connection.

Inspera Exams

Your Inspera examination can be accessed directly through a link in Canvas. 


Getting help

Over the examinations period, the Student Support team operates from 8am – 10pm Monday to Friday, and from 12pm to 10pm on Saturdays. If you need help during your exam, please call +64 9 373 7513. The above hours are stated in New Zealand time. 


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