
What we need to do and why this is important

Identify senior managers with responsibility for delivery of the HSB Action Plan

Clarifying responsibility for this area of work will prevent confusion among those implementing projects for staff and students and with student organisations.

Status: complete

Appoint the Harassment Governance Group

As the peak group to govern the ongoing development and delivery of the HSB Action Plan. 

HSB actions need to be coordinated with other initiatives within the University in the area of Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination (BHD). The Harassment Governance Group has been established as the peak group for BHD matters, and therefore appropriate to also oversee HSB. The membership of the Harassment Governance Group includes the PVC Equity, PVC Māori and PVC Pacific.

Status: complete

Vice-Chancellor to report to University Council on progress

The Vice-Chancellor, through the Harassment Governance Group, provide relevant reporting to University Council on the Action Plan and its progress.

University Council is the peak body for Health, Safety and Wellbeing at the University.

Status: no updates

Establish a high-level HSB Reference group

In partnership with Māori to support implementation of HSB Action Plan.

Across the University we have leading researchers and practitioners, as well as passionate staff and students who want to make a difference. This expertise and energy can be usefully channelled into a Reference Group to advise on the evolution and implementation of the Action Plan. 

Status: no update

Maintain a Student Focus Group on HSB

To inform implementation, provide feedback and make recommendations on HSB; including Māori, Pacific and LGBTQITakatapui+ representation alongside other identified priority groups.

The value of student-input into this steam of work cannot be underestimated. In addition to student representation on the Reference Group, a student focus group, with a wide cross section of students, will be maintained to inform the implementation of the plan and provide valuable real-time feedback. Student voice can also be gathered through the Student Consultative Group, Student Council, and Equity groups.

Status: complete

Please email all feedback and suggestions to