Forms and policies

Find out how to link your agency to students who wish to engage your services and information on the Code of Practice.

Change of Agent

Form A must be completed by the student as well as both the current and the new agency. Please send the completed form to

No change of agent will be recognised unless the completed form is received by the International Office. A review will be made and a decision will be communicated to the relevant parties.

Appointment of agent

Form B must be completed by the student as well as the agency. Please send the completed form to

A review will be made and you will be informed of the outcome of the agent appointment request.  

The Code of Practice

The code of practice provides a framework for service delivery by educational providers and their agents to international students. The code applies to pastoral care and provision of information only, and not to academic standards.

Your obligations

Your agency will need to comply at all times with all relevant provisions in the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students which can be found at and ensure that staff employed by the Company have training appropriate to their role and to assist them to understand and apply the Code when recruiting and advising students on behalf of the University.

A summary of the code

The code sets standards for educational providers to ensure that:

  • High professional standards are maintained
  • The recruitment of international students is undertaken in an ethical and responsible manner
  • Information supplied to international students is comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date
  • Students are provided with information prior to entering into any commitments
  • Contractual dealings with international students are conducted in an ethical and responsible manner
  • International students under 18 are in safe accommodation
  • All providers have fair and equitable internal procedures for the resolution of international student grievances

To read full details of what is covered in the code, visit the New Zealand Qualifications Authority website.

Application linking policies

The authorisation forms above are intended to be used according to the following policy framework. Any enquiries about linking applications should be sent to:

Duration of agency link

  1. An applicant is considered linked to agency indefinitely and can make applications in multiple intakes. However, the link can be superseded after the most recent intake has lapsed if: (A) The applicant requests the link to be removed, or (B) A new agency creates an application only in circumstances described in 3.
  2. If a new agency creates an application during a live intake (defined as current or future intake that has not passed the period where they are able to obtain a refund on fees (ATCE period)) when an applicant already has a link present, the linking always defaults to the agency that made the first application.
  3. All completed Agent Appointment forms, Change of Agent forms and Student Authorisation forms must be retained by the agency for a period of 3 (three) years following completion of enrolment.
  4. If a new agency makes an application for an applicant that is already linked to an agency but the most recent intake applied for has lapsed, the link can be changed to the new agency, unless it's a circumstance described in 4.
  5. If an intake has lapsed but the applicant received an offer of place, the following linking policies still apply for one year after the lapsed intake date. One year is the length of time an offer can be deferred for, so the first agent is considered to have done the work to gain the offer.

Linking policies

  1. An agency can be linked to an applicant if all applications are still at pending status and has no other agency linked to the applicant. An Agent Appointment form and Student Authorisation must be received from the agency, with the applicant’s signature on both forms.
  2. If the applicant is linked to another agency and all applications are still at pending status, a Change of Agent form may be sent by the applicant to their current agency. This form must be stamped and signed by the current agency. If no stamp and signature is present the form is void. There should also be an applicant and new agency signature. If the form is successfully completed, a change in link from current agent to new agent may take place.
  3. An applicant who has at least one firm offer or who is matriculated in at least one programme (active in programme after accepting their offer or fulfilling application conditions) cannot be linked.
  4. An applicant who has at least one conditional offer cannot be linked unless there is the following exception. An applicant with at least one conditional offer can be linked only if the “Supply verified documents” condition is present and has not been completed. If this condition is not present, no link can be made. In the circumstance that the applicant has the incomplete condition present in their offer, an Agent Appointment form and Student Authorisation form must be submitted.
  5. If the exception in 4 is present, an agency may still apply for the agency link to be changed. If this is the case, the process described in (b) 2 should be followed.
  6. An application cannot be linked to an agency if they have applications that meet 3. or does not meet 4. for all intakes within one year prior to the current intake that the link is being requested for. The offer that the applicants have received is deemed valid for deferral.