About the University of Auckland

The University of Auckland is New Zealand’s only university in the world’s top 100. Our aim is simple: to offer the best education, the most opportunities for success, and the very top academic commitment to anyone, anywhere in the world. We take great pride in being New Zealand’s #1 university for graduate employability and continuously innovate our offerings to help our students’ worlds grow bigger.
Our international students, especially during this time, are being supported more than ever to ensure they receive the same benefits our students here in New Zealand receive.
That’s why we have created a unique support package for our students in India. A package that aims to help them pursue their aspirations and educational goals while studying with us online, in India, until they can come to New Zealand.
The University of Auckland has built strong ties with India. We have sponsored the QS India Summit, launched New Zealand’s first joint PhD programmes with IITs and are working with IIT Delhi to establish a New Zealand Centre with all eight of New Zealand’s universities. Indian academics are major contributors to our research activity.
A growing number of Indian students have chosen to undertake a University of Auckland degree and to benefit from New Zealand’s world-leading work rights policy. This policy is for international students with a three-year open post-study work visa available to bachelors and masters graduates. This requires a minimum of two semesters of study onshore.
Our support to our international students extends beyond the duration of their degree with us, offering them the highest opportunity for employability in New Zealand once they graduate.
Our commitment to helping our students thrive, no matter where in the world they are, extends beyond education.
We embrace our responsibility in the transition to a sustainable future - one that is better for our people and our planet. Our efforts have been noticed, and we have been ranked top ten globally in the University Impact Rankings by Times Higher Education (THE), measured against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In 2020, we were appointed as the official hub for Sustainable Development Goals 4, Quality Education, by the United Nations Academic Impact.