September 2022
In this issue of UniNews: Maia Hetaraka, Manjit Singh's rhythms, Opinion by Kiri Dell, Epsom marae stories, delayed spring graduation, Special Collections 20 years

Cover story
Maia Hetaraka: the success of Tai Tokerau campus
Maia Hetaraka is director of Tai Tokerau Campus and says students being able to study at a campus close to home is the key to academic success – and that includes her own.
Indian rhythms in Aotearoa
Manjit Singh’s quest to bring Indian ragas music into mainstream music education has involved going from teacher to student to teacher.
Special Collections: 20 questions to mark 20 years
To mark Special Collections’ 20-year anniversary, staff answer questions about what the collection is all about.
William Muir: double graduate rises above his challenges
If you put William Muir in an exam, he’d struggle to write eight words, but now he has two degrees and a good job.
The complexities of learning te reo Māori
Opinion: Dr Kiri Dell says te reo Māori revitalisation is more complicated than people may think.
All these items on interactive PDF
In the News (pg 2 of PDF)
Dr Grant Searchfield
Professor Terryann Clark
Associate Professor Lina El-Jahel
Professor James Russell
Dr Joshua Emmitt
Dr John Fenaughty
'Good to Know' stories
Dr Hiran Thabrew, youth mental health pg 4
Social media and the whales pg 4
3 Minute Thesis winners pg 5
Matire Harwood medal pg 5
Student athletes at Comm Games pg 6
Delayed Graduation ceremony pg 7
Arts and Culture
Manjit Singn pg 10 (also online)
Special Collections pg 11 (also online)
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