Learning and Teaching Survey

All undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students are invited to complete this survey. The survey runs annually from the end of September to mid-October.

Learning and Teaching Survey: the basics

Survey opening date: Monday 12 August 2024

Survey closing date: Monday 26 August 2024

Purpose of survey: The University runs the  Learning and Teaching Survey every year so we can understand how things are going for students and make positive changes around the University based on student feedback. This survey is the main way the University gathers information from students about their overall experience of studying at this University, and uses the information to set priorities for the next year(s). 

Prizes: If you complete the survey you will be in the prize draw for 1x $500, 2x $200 and 50x $50 Prezzy cards.  Prizes will be drawn after the survey closes and students will be notified via their University email.

Please note that Survey email invites will have the ‘from’ address: learningandteaching@auckland.ac.nz

2023 survey results


In 2023 just over 6,300 students participated in the survey. To see what students said, download the pdf below.

Previous years' survey results


In 2022 nearly 3,000 students participated in the survey.  To see what students said, download the pdf below.


In 2021 nearly 3,300 students participated in the survey.  To see what students said, download the pdf below.


In 2020, despite the survey taking place while students were studying remotely, over 4,000 students participated. 


In 2019, 4,047 students completed the 2019 Learning and Teaching Survey. The infographics and tables in the documents  summarise what students said in 2019.

How does the University use the student feedback?

Analysis of rated questions and open-ended comments provides important information to the University about students’ experience of learning and teaching. Results are reported to University committees and to faculties and service divisions.

What happens next?

The Pro Vice-Chancellor(Education) meets with each faculty dean and senior staff to review what students have said and what is planned in response. Student feedback is used to help determine University and faculty priorities for the next year.

Staff Resources for Survey Promotion

Staff can do a lot to help students understand the importance of the Learning and Teaching Survey, and every year the Academic Quality Office creates resources to assist staff to communicate with students about the survey.  The PowerPoint slides about the survey (below) can be shown to classes, and information will be posted on the University website and on Canvas for students to see.

More about the survey

If you have been invited please let us know what you think, so we can build on what we’re getting right and make improvements where things aren’t working.

Questions have an emphasis on the learning and teaching aspects of students’ experience University as well as social factors which support students’ learning.  Survey results are reported in aggregate to faculties each year and assist faculties to set priorities and areas of focus in learning and teaching.

If you have questions about the survey, please contact the Academic Quality Office at quality@auckland.ac.nz.

Learning and Teaching Survey Dashboard (Staff only)

Detailed and comprehensive breakdowns of LTS results are available to staff on this dashboard in the Enterprise Insights Portal (EIP).