CDES Student Stories

A woman with long dark hair wearing a beige tshirt standing in front of a dark blue background with a golden McVeagh Fleming sign

McVeagh Fleming Law Clerk Jignesa Patel talks about her career journey so far and shares her tips with students.

Read Jignesa's story

Caitlin tells us about the Prime Minister’s Scholarships for Asia Group Internship she completed in Mumbai, India in 2022/23.

Read Caitlin's story

Audrey is preparing to start a graduate role in procurement after gaining confidence and employability skills with CDES.

Meet Audrey

Meet Law and Arts student Aria Toilolo-Ite, who tells us about her journey towards her dream career.

Meet Aria

Despite several setbacks, Arts and Law graduate and Tupu Tai alumnus Andrew Ma’u is thriving in the public sector whilst completing his Professional Legal Studies Course.

Read Andrew's story

Ella (Bachelor of Arts (Hons), Master of Arts) tells us about her experiences and tips for landing a role with one of the Big 4.

Meet Ella

Read Isaac Morunga's (BA/BSc) story and find out what he’s got planned for life beyond study.

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Get a load of these amazing success stories! They worked with our Māori and Pacific Career Development team and have now landed their dream roles.

Meet the students

Meet students and graduates from the Faculty of Arts.

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Find out where graduates from the Faculty of Education and Social Work have taken their careers.

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Meet students and graduates from the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

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Meet graduates from the Business School and find out more about their career paths.

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Meet students and graduates from the Faculty of Engineering.

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Meet graduates from the Faculty of Science.

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Meet graduates from the Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries and find out what they've done with their degrees.

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Read about where graduates from the Faculty of Law have taken their careers.

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Read more about alumni across the University.

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