Scholarships for the Business School

This page contains information on scholarships and awards for students enrolled in the Business School.

You can find information on scholarships for students enrolling in their first year of study in any faculty at Scholarships for the first year of undergraduate study.

If you are thinking of enrolling in a conjoint degree programme, check out the faculty specific page for the other faculty in the Related links box.

Scholarships for the first year of undergraduate study in the Business School

Faculty of Business and Economics Entry Level Undergraduate Scholarship

A Scholarship of up to $5,000 to support the first year of fulltime study in a BCom, BProp or conjoint degree in the Faculty of Business and Economics, up to $5000 for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents who have applied for a University of Auckland school-leaver/first year scholarship.

Business School Inspiring Futures Scholarship

A Scholarship to support the first year of a BCom or BProp degree for a student from a Decile 1 to 3 school. Not available for 2025.

Business School Māori and Pacific Tautoko Grant

Grants of up to $2,500 each to assist undergraduate Māori students and Pacific students enrolled full-time in the Business School.

Dean's Asia Scholarship in the Faculty of Business and Economics

A Scholarship to assist Asian international undergraduate students enrolled full-time in a BCom, BProp or associated conjoint degree with tuition fees.

ASB Scholarship

A $5,000 Scholarship for full-time or part-time enrolment in undergraduate or postgraduate study in Information Systems.

Cheryl Macaulay Foundation Scholarship

A $5,000 Scholarship for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents intending to enrol in the first year of a BProp or BProp conjoint degree.

Geoff Ricketts Heartland Bank Scholarship

Scholarships of up to $10,000pa for up to three years for New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents enrolling in the first year of an undergraduate degree in the faculties of Business and Economics, Law or Medical and Health Sciences. Applications for 2025 are open until 10 October 2024. Apply now.

Kelly Undergraduate Scholarship

A Scholarship of up to $8,000 for full-time undergraduate study in the Business School by New Zealand citizens or permanent residents.

Keystone Pink Beluga School Leaver Property Scholarship

A Scholarship for school leavers of up to $5,000pa for up to three years of a BProp or BProp conjoint study. Next available for 2026.

LEAP First in Family Scholarship in Accounting and Finance

A Scholarship of up to $8,000 pa for up to three years for a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident who is the first in their family to attend university, and who is enrolling in the first year of a BCom or BCom conjoint degree in Accounting and Finance.

Mokaraka Māori Women in Business Scholarship

A Scholarship of up to $15,000 to support Māori women enrolled at undergraduate level in the Business School.

Nauhria First in Family Scholarship

A Scholarship of $8,000pa for up to 4 years for a domestic or international student enrolling in the first year of a BCom or BCom conjoint degree who is the first member of their family to attend university.

Onehunga High Business School Undergraduate Scholarship

A $4,000 Scholarship to support a student from Onehunga High School enrolling in the first year of a BCom or BProp degree. Applications for 2025 are open until 10 October 2024. Apply now.

Toi Uru Roa: The Paul Kelly Māori Undergraduate Scholarship

A Scholarship of up to $8,000 to support Māori students enrolled full-time in an undergraduate programme in the Business School.

University of Auckland/Manurewa High School Business Academy Scholarship

A Scholarship to support a student from Manurewa High School Business Academy who is enrolling in the first year of a BCom or BProp degree.

Weston First in Family Scholarship

A Scholarship of up to $8,000 per year for up to three years for a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident who is the first in their family to enrol at a university, and who is enrolling in the first year of an undergraduate degree in the Business School. Next available for 2027.

External scholarships and awards

Keystone Trust Property and Construction Scholarships

The Keystone Trust award a broad range of scholarships for students in property and construction related fields. See the Keystone Trust website for more details.

Te Pūtea Matua Reserve Bank of New Zealand Scholarships

The Reserve Bank offers scholarships of up to $10,000 each and summer internships to full-time students majoring in economics, finance, mathematics, law and or accounting.

For more details and to apply visit their Early Careers webpage.  

Other scholarships, awards and prizes

Search our comprehensive scholarships database for an up-to-date list of all the scholarships and awards available to future and current University of Auckland students.

The content on this page contains information sourced from external websites and is provided for convenience. The University of Auckland Scholarships Office is not responsible for the accuracy or content on such websites and the inclusion of such links does not imply endorsement of the linked websites or their providers.