Scholarships for the first year of undergraduate study

All faculties

University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship

A Scholarship to recognise and reward exceptional students, who have excellent academic records and demonstrated leadership potential and who are enrolling full-time in the first year of an undergraduate degree.

University of Auckland Māori Academic Excellence Scholarship

Recognises exceptional academic success from Māori tauira who have either engaged in Te Ao Māori, their community, the arts or played a leadership role in sports or cultural contexts.

University of Auckland Pacific Academic Excellence Scholarship

A Scholarship to recognise and reward exceptional Pacific students entering the first year of an undergraduate degree programme or Certificate of Health Sciences.

University of Auckland Academic Potential Scholarship - School Leavers

A Scholarship to support students who have achieved academically but are experiencing hardships that potentially limit their opportunities or who may have been disadvantaged due to their personal circumstances.

University of Auckland Academic Potential Scholarship - Pathway Programme Students

A Scholarship to support students currently enrolled in an approved University of Auckland pathway programme who have achieved academically but who are experiencing hardships that potentially limit their opportunities or who may have been disadvantaged due to their personal circumstances.

University of Auckland Kōkiri Raumati Scholarship

Offers accommodation to students from outside the Auckland area or with significant travel times within the Auckland area, who have left secondary school in the previous two years and who are attending Summer School before starting their degree in Semester One 2025.

University of Auckland High Performance Sports Scholarship

A $5,000 Scholarship to support New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents enrolling in their first year of undergraduate study who have the potential to succeed both academically and in their chosen sport. Applications for 2025 are open until 10 October 2024. Apply now.

University of Auckland International School Leaver Scholarship

A Scholarship to assist international students from New Zealand high schools who are enrolling in the first year of an undergraduate degree at the University of Auckland with the cost of tuition fees.

University of Auckland International Student Excellence Scholarship

A Scholarship to assist new International undergraduate students who have overseas secondary or post-secondary qualifications with the cost of tuition fees.

University of Auckland Scholarship for Students from Refugee Backgrounds

A Scholarship of up to $5,000 to assist first year undergraduate students who are New Zealand citizens or permanent residents who come from a refugee background.

Alumni Scholarship for Tertiary Foundation Certificate Students

A $5,000 Scholarship for students completing the Tertiary Foundation Certificate and intending to enrol full-time in an undergraduate degree in the following year.

Bath Street Arts Trust Scholarship

A Scholarship of up to $6,000 pa for up to four years, to support undergraduate students with a family background in the creative arts and who are enrolled in their first degree. The Scholarship is offered once every four years. Next available for 2026.

Brian Boyd First in Family Scholarship

A Scholarship of up to $8,000 pa for up to four years for a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident who is the first in their family to attend university, and who is enrolling in the first year of an undergraduate degree at the University of Auckland. Next available for 2027.

The Jackson Family Foundation Scholarship

A Scholarship of up to $12,000 to support women students of Cook Island descent enrolled full-time in any year of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree.

Lane Capital Scholarship

A Scholarship of $8,000 per year for up to five years, depending on the minimum period required for completion of a first undergraduate degree. To be eligible for considertion, you must be a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident, and intending to enrol full-time in the first year of an undergraduate degree in Architecture, Business and Economics, Education and Social Work, Engineering, Medical and Health Sciences, or Science. The Scholarship is not available for 2025.

Martin Blythe First in Family Scholarship

An $8,000 Scholarship for students enrolling in the first year of an undergraduate degree who are the first member of their family to attend university.

Peter Kermode Scholarship

A Scholarship for students who are completing the TFC programme and intending to enrol full-time in an undergraduate programme in the following year. Up to $5,000 paid as a fees credit.

Pong, Tams and Ko Scholarship

A Scholarship of up to $8,000 to support domestic and international students with sensory, physical, medical and/or learning difficulties/disabilities.

Presbyterian Methodist Congregational Grafton Scholarship

A Scholarship covering the cost of accommodation in University of Auckland Halls of Residence for up to three years for first years students who are New Zealand citizens and permanent residents. Applications for 2025 are open until 10 October 2024. Apply now.

Ralph & Eve Seelye Undergraduate Scholarship

A Scholarship of up to $6,000 per annum for the duration of the first undergraduate degree for New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents currently enrolled in their last year of study at a high Equity Index number or decile 1-3 secondary school. Applications for 2025 are open until 10 October 2024. Apply now.

Sanders Memorial Scholarship

A $3,000 Scholarship for students who are the children of a member of the Navy or Mercantile Marine Service and are entering the first year of an undergraduate programme. Applications for 2025 are open until 10 October 2024. Apply now.

The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust Dame Dorothy Winstone and Rae Hammer New Start Award

An Award of up to $6,000 pa for up to three years to support women students enrolling full-time in an undergraduate degree who have completed the University of Auckland New Start Programme.

The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust Foundation Award

An Award of up to $2,000 to support women students enrolling in an undergraduate degree who have completed a University of Auckland Foundation Programme.

The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust Jane Bellamy and Elizabeth Godfrey Foundation Award

An Award of up to $6,000 pa for up to three years, to support women students enrolling full-time in an undergraduate degree who have completed the University of Auckland Tertiary Foundation Certificate.  

Other scholarships, awards and prizes

Search our comprehensive scholarships database for an up-to-date list of all the scholarships and awards available to future and current University of Auckland students.