Applying for a late deletion

If you're applying for a late deletion, you can use the information on this page to understand the steps we follow to assess your application. 

For more information about what a late deletion is and the eligibility criteria, please see

Step one: before your start your application

Before you start your application for a late deletion, you should check your eligibility.

If you're a postgraduate student, we recommend that your speak with your department before you apply so that they can explain how late deletions may impact your programme and progression. 

You will not be asked to explain your circumstances.

Even though you might not attend lectures as a postgraduate student, you are still required to apply for a late deletion by the last day of lectures in the semester or quarter in which you're studying.

Not eligible for a late deletion

If you're not eligible for a late deletion, you may be able to apply to withdraw from your course(s) if the deadline for withdrawal has not passed.

Step two: starting your application

If you're eligible to apply for a late deletion, you can complete the Late Application to Delete Courses (AS-47) form. 

When you apply for a late deletion, you must provide

  • A cover letter, and
  • Supporting evidence

We recommend getting in touch with Te Papa Manaaki, Campus Care before applying for a late deletion, if you're experiencing exceptional circumstances.

Alternatively, you can visit another independent professional adviser.

Cover letter

Your cover letter must include

  • The dates of your exceptional circumstances
  • An explanation of your exceptional circumstances
  • The impact that the exceptional circumstances have had on your ability to continue your study

Supporting evidence

Your application must include supporting evidence from an independent professional adviser. Your application cannot be accepted and approved without this evidence. 

An independent professional adviser can be a

  • Medical doctor
  • Counsellor

Your supporting evidence must verify your exceptional circumstances and the impact those circumstances have had on you. 

Your supporting evidence must include a specific recommendation about whether you are able to continue with your current studies.

If you're requesting a reduction in your workload, meaning the deletion of some but not tall enrolments, your supporting evidence must clearly recommend this.

Evidence of circumstances themselves are not enough. You must provide your supporting evidence that describes the impact of those circumstances on your ability to continue your study. 

Missing evidence

If you do not provide a cover letter and/or supporting evidence from an independent professional adviser, you will be asked to provide additional evidence to support your application. 

If this evidence isn't provided within five working days, your application may be declined as it will be processed on the information and evidence that accompanied your application. 

Processing time

Once your application for a late deletion and supporting evidence has been received, we aim to process your application within ten working days.

Step three: assess your application

After you submit your application, you will receive an email to your student email confirming that your completed application has been received. 

Your application will be assessed based off the information and evidence that you have provided. 

This assessment checks

  • Your circumstances are outside of your control
  • Your circumstances had a significant impact to your ability to complete your course(s)*
  • Enough evidence from an independent professional adviser has been provided

*It's important to provide enough information and evidence to spport your application. See step two for more details. 

You may be asked to provide additional information if the information and/or evidence you submitted

  • Isn't enough
  • Contains incorrect dates
  • Does not clearly state the impact that your exceptional circumstances have had on your studies

If you're asked to provide additional information, you must submit the required details within five working days of being asked.

Please note that your application may be declined if there is not enough information and/or evidence.

Step four: review of your application by senior Assessment Services staff

After your application for a late deletion has been assessed, your application goes through to be reviwewd by senior Assessment Services staff. 

This staff member will confirm that your exceptional circumstances meet the requirements for a late deletion. 

If your circumstances and evidence must meet the threshold for approval, your application will be approved. 

They will also check to see if you're eligible for a partial refund. 

Please note, partial refunds are dependent on when your application is submitted. For more information, please see Fees and refunds for late deletions.

Step five: outcome

You will receive an email to your student email once an outcome on your application has been finalised by a senior Assessment Services staff member. 


If your application for a late deletion is approved, the change will be applied to your student record if there are no outstanding fees to be paid. 

Your courses will be dropped if this is the case. 

You will receive an email with an outcome letter that confirms that your courses have been dropped.

For any outstanding fees on your account, your outcome letter will detail the amount owed and how to pay these fees. Your late deletion cannot be processed until these fees have been cleared. 

If you're eligible for a partial refund of fees, this will be processed at the same time. 

Please note

  • A partial refund of fees is dependent on when your application is received in the semester or quarter
  • There is no refund of the Student Services Fee

If you're an international student, we recommend that you contact the International Student Advisers to discuss your options.

If you deleted your courses and no longer want to be active in your programme, you can request a Programme deletion.

Not approved

You can request an appeal on the decision of your late deletion application if your application is declined. 

You must do this within one month of the date that you received your application outcome. 

You must provide any additional evidence for consideration. 

After the outcome of your appeal has been confirmed, the decision is final. This means that you cannot further appeal the decision.

If your application for a late deletion is declined, you may still be able to apply to withdraw from your course(s) if the deadline to withdraw from courses has not passed.


Your privacy is of the utmost importance to the University. 

We will ensure that your privacy is protected throughout the process of applying for a late deletion. 

This includes the assessment of your application as well as your confidential documentation.