Undergraduate study in Mathematics
What can you study in Mathematics?
You can study Mathematics as a major in the Bachelor of Science (BSc) or as a specialisation in the Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) (BAdvSci(Hons)). You can also study Mathematics as a major in the Bachelor of Arts (BA). You can find out more about these options below.
You’ll take courses covering the following key areas:
- Analytical, computational and modelling
- Comprehension of abstract concepts
- Concepts and theoretical results
- Creative thinking
Studying Mathematics will open you up to skills that are highly valued in the business, financial, industrial, social and academic worlds.
The Bachelor of Science (BSc) majoring in Mathematics
The Mathematics major offers a solid grounding in both pure and applied mathematics. You’ll study a range of concepts and theories, as well as analytical, computational and modelling tools that you can apply to areas as diverse as the biological sciences, information and physical sciences, economics, engineering and finance.
As a Mathematics student you’ll take compulsory core courses that will prepare you for higher courses in both pure and applied mathematics, and which will expose you to critical thinking and meta-mathematical thinking while offering you an authentic mathematical experience.
As part of your major you’ll complete the Mathematics capstone course, MATHS 399, where you’ll work with other students to explore the role of mathematicians in society and culture. Your project will give you the chance to develop your skills in communication, critical thinking, teaching and creative problem-solving.
You can choose whether to keep your Mathematics major general or to take one of the two pathways in Mathematics in order to focus your major:
- Applied Mathematics: The study of mathematical methods that can be used to understand problems in a wide range of sciences, engineering, finance, and other industries.
- Pure Mathematics: The study of abstract concepts, and the development of analytical, logical and creative thinking, and problem solving skills.
The Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) (BAdvSci(Hons)) specialising in Mathematics
Mathematics is a central science, and it interacts with many other disciplines. Wherever problems need to be solved, Mathematics has a role to play.
As a BAdvSci(Hons) student of Mathematics, you’ll take courses across the spectrum, including algebra, combinatorics, complex analysis and differential equations, mathematical modelling, functional analysis and operator theory, the history of mathematics, numerical analysis and topology. In your final year, you’ll complete an independent research project under the guidance of an academic mentor. This will help to prepare you for further postgraduate study or to enter the workforce.
Mathematics is an important skill in great demand by employers. Our BAdvSci(Hons) specialisation will equip you with advanced knowledge in pure and applied mathematics, as well as the computational and research skills required to make great contributions in science, technology or commerce.
A Bachelor of Arts majoring in Mathematics
If you would like to combine your study of Mathematics with study in Humanities, Social Sciences, languages or Indigenous studies, you can choose to take it as one of your two majors in the Bachelor of Arts.
You can combine a BA major in Mathematics with a complementary major like Philosophy, Politics and International Relations, Sociology or Economics. Alternatively you could boost your employability by studying a language or broadening your knowledge of Indigenous worldviews.
Structuring your undergraduate programme in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science majoring in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) specialising in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Arts majoring in Mathematics
If you began your degree prior to 2019 we recommend you seek advice to make sure you are taking the correct courses. Visit your online help and support centre, AskAuckland.
Where can undergraduate study in Mathematics take you?
A good mathematical background enhances your problem-solving skills, comprehension of abstract concepts, analytical skills and creative thinking. These qualities are valued in technical roles and in positions of leadership and management. You can read more from our students and graduates and find out where a degree in Mathematics has taken them. Meet our students and graduates.
Jobs related to Mathematics
- Academia and research
- Actuarial and business analysis
- Biostatistics and biotechnology
- Data science
- Economic analysis
- Financial services (banks, investment funds, insurance)
- Government (IRD, Defence, Security Intelligence)
- Information systems and technology
- Modelling (engineering, industry, logistics, meteorology and many other areas)
- Operations research
- Risk management
- Software development (programming, artificial intelligence, robotics)
- Statistical analysis
- Sustainability analysis
- Teaching
- Telecommunications industry
Further study options
Scholarships and awards
Each year we award scholarships and prizes to thousands of students.
Find out about the scholarships you may be eligible for, search available scholarships or begin an application by visiting Scholarships and awards.
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