Meet our students and graduates

Read about life as a student in the Department of Mathematics and where our graduates end up.

Alofa Soolefai, Mathematics

Talofa lava, my name is Alofa So’olefai and I hail from the villages of Faleālili, Faleasi’u and Safune, Savai’i.

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Chenchen Huang, Quantitative Economics

Chenchen studied Quantitative Economics and now manages large datasets, working for the Commerce Commission.

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Sezarya Fei

Sezarya is in her final year of an undergraduate degree in Quantitative Economics.

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Halaevalu Tu'ipulotu

Tuākana Science Scholar Halaevalu found a passion for empowering others to overcome their fear of asking questions as a mathematics and statistics double major.

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Morgan Meertens, Mathematics

Morgan applied for a conjoint science degree at The University of Auckland after discovering an interest in engineering and mathematics.

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Kaitlin Riegel, Mathematics Education

Mathematics Education PhD candidate Kaitlin Riegel hopes her research will contribute to understanding how mathematics can be taught more effectively.

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Isabelle Steinmann, Masters in Mathematics

Following the graduation of her Masters in Mathematics, Isabelle has commenced her PhD in Mathematics at the University of Chicago.

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Ruisong Xue, Master of Mathematical Modelling

Ruisong Xue graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Civil and Environmental Engineering. He then completed a Master of Mathematical Modelling.

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student working on whiteboard

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Claire Postlethwaite, Mathematics researcher

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highway at night with lights

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