We research a whole range of marine processes, from fisheries and aquaculture to oceanography and marine chemistry.
Haere mai | Welcome
Explore our marine research facilities
Perched on cliffs above the sea, Leigh Marine Laboratory is our marine research base and most northerly campus (about 100km northeast of Auckland City).

For alumnus William Trubridge, free diving has become a passion in which he excels. He holds multiple world record titles.
Kimihia te roanga atu | Find out more
Meet our students and graduates and find out where Marine Science has taken them.
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Modelling Restorative Economies
Eva is researching how to integrate social and ecological knowledge in order to inspire cultural change in the way we approach ecosystem restoration.

The University's 'marine campus' sits at the edge of Goat Island, New Zealand's oldest marine reserve.
Hōparatia | Explore
Our Discovery Centre is a must for anyone interested in New Zealand’s marine environment.
Hōparatia | Explore
Our graduate school is a partnership with NIWA and offers unique opportunities in postgraduate research.
He whakamārama atu anō | Learn more
We work with a broad range of private and government organisations.
He whakamārama atu anō | Learn more