Support science
The generosity of our donors enables us to support struggling students, increase diversity and make significant contributions to important scientific research.

Science led us into the 21st century and science will propel and guide us through it.
The world around us is changing at a fantastic pace, driven by advances in science and technology.
Our children’s lives, work and living environments will be shaped by factors that belong to the future. Being science and technology literate will no longer be an option but a necessity.
We are dedicated to preparing the leading scientists and industry innovators of tomorrow who ask important questions in pursuit of answers that will help transform our world.
Explore some of the ways you can help below.
Support our people
Science student support
When you give to the University of Auckland Foundation Science Student Support Fund, you provide much-needed help to science students suffering financial hardship.
Tuākana in science
Tuākana in Science is a support programme designed to help Māori and Pacific students reach their full potential via workshops, study groups and sessions with tutors and mentors.
Emma Waterhouse Scholarship for Women in Natural Sciences
The Emma Waterhouse Scholarship supports women who choose to study the natural sciences at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
There has never been a time when it was more important that we understand science and its value.
Support our research
We have a whole range of funds that aim to support research in the faculty. Watch the videos below to see how you can help answer some of today’s most pressing challenges such as:
Can we bring back the dawn chorus?
One of the most critical global issues of the 21st century is how to restore and sustain our natural environment.
Your support could help protect the health of our natural world.
Watch the video to see how.
Can we build an economy based on what we know not just what we grow?
We need to develop new industries and complement New Zealand’s traditional industries with knowledge and science.
Your support could help develop the technologies of the future.
Watch the video to see how.
Can we uncover the mysteries of the human brain?
The brain is the basis of all of the qualities that make us human and yet there is still a lot we don’t understand about our brains.
Your support could help help unlock the mysteries of our minds.
Watch the video to see how.
Can we reveal the secrets of the physical world?
As the world changes, we need to find new ways to view it. Science and technology give us the tools we need to prepare for the future, whatever it may be.
Your support could help expand our understanding of the physical world.
Watch the video to see how.
Please contact Kiri-Ann Olney for more information on how you can support the Faculty of Science.
Kiri-Ann Olney
Development Manager
Faculty of Science
Phone: +64 9 923 6973