We work closely with NIWA in research projects and as part of our Joint Graduate School.
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Auckland Council is responsible for some 2,400km of coastline, including the area around our marine laboratory.
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DOC staff work with us in many ways, contributing to teaching and collaborating on research projects.
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MPI collaborate with us in teaching and research, including contributing to our MSc in Biosecurity and Conservation.
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We work with MFA on the potential for restoration of mussel populations in Pelorus Sound/Te Hoiere.
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Cawthron is the research base for several of our postgraduate students as part of a Joint Graduate agreement.
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We work to help mussel farmers in the Coromandel improve their seed mussel supplies.
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Our work with King Salmon helps to build the value of New Zealand seafood exports by enhancing production and quality.
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This international NGO contributes to our teaching program and provides a valuable opportunity for students to see science used in conservation.
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Hosted by the University, ISSG aims to raise awareness about invasive species and their prevention.
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