Senior Leadership Team

Terms of Reference

The Senoir Leadership Team

  • Is not a decision-making body but one that provides advice to the Vice-Chancellor on University-wide strategies and policy development.
  • Provides context and perspectives on strategic issues affecting the University and ensures alignment of direction and priorities across University senior leadership.
  • Engages in generative discussions on matters of critical importance for the University.


  • The Committee will meet monthly between February and November.
  • One meeting each quarter will comprise a planning or special topic session/day.
  • Members are expected to identify operational issues and risks that may have an impact on delivery of our strategy.
  • The committee will operate collegially, expeditiously and effectively, and will ensure that all pertinent views are heard and considered.
  • There will be an opportunity for members to engage informally around the formal meeting time.
  • When members are unable to attend a proxy may be nominated.


  • Members of
    • University Executive Committee
    • Provost, Deans and Directors Committee
    • Professional Services Leadership Team
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
  • Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori
  • Service division directors
  • Director of University Operations
  • Chief Executive Offices Univervices
  • Chief of Staff
  • Office directors
  • Head of Business Advisory, Financial Services
  • Associate Director Advisory, Human Resources

Team members

Vice-Chancellor, and team Chair
Professor D Freshwater

Deputy Vice-Chancellors

Portfolio Incumbent
Provost Professor V Linton
Professor F Bloomfield
Strategic Engagement Dr E Lithander
Operations and Registrar A Cleland

Pro Vice-Chancellors

Māori Associate Professor T K Hoskins
Pacific Professor J Tiatia-Siau
Education Professor B Kool
Equity Professor C Stinear
Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori
Michael Steedman


Faculty Incumbent
Professor R Greenberg
Business and Economics Professor S Watson
Creative Arts and Industries Professor N Gregory
Education and Social Work
Professor M Barrow
Engineering   Professor R Clarke
Professor W Swain
Medical and Health Sciences   Professor W Bagg
Professor J Hosking
Dean of Graduate Studies
Professor C Daley

Large-scale research institute (LSRI) directors

LSRI Incumbent
Auckland Bioengineering Professor M Tawhai
Liggins Professor J O’Sullivan

Service division directors

Service division Incumbent
Campus Life
B Mosely
Communications and Engagement
K Coughlan
Digital Services, Chief Digital Officer
J Mangan
Financial Services, Chief Financial Officer
T Bluett
Human Resources
A Phipps 
Libraries and Learning Services
S Roberts
Marketing and Student Recruitment
M Howard
Organisational Performance and Improvement
S Whiteside
Property Services, Chief Property Officer S Neale
Student and Academic Services J Browne
Director University Operations
M Shepherd
Chief Executive Officer UniServices
Dr A Shenk
Chief of Staff
B Ten Eyck

Office directors

Office Incumbent
Alumni Relations and Development (ARD) M Bentley
International M Hookham-Simms
Planning and Information
P Moss
Research Strategy and Integrity (ORSI)
A Thomas

Other service division members

Role Incumbent
Financial Services, Head of Business Advisory
C Thomas
Human Resources, Associate Director Advisory
S Boyer

Schedule of meetings

The committee meets monthly between February and November.  

Wednesday 14 February 11.30am-2pm
Wednesday 13 March (strategic planning workshop) 9am-3.30pm
Wednesday 10 April 11.30am-2pm
Wednesday 15 May 11.30am-2pm
Wednesday 19 June 11.30am-2pm
Wednesday 17 July (strategic planning workshop) 9am-3.30pm
Wednesday 21 August 11.30am-2pm
Wednesday 18 September 11.30am-2pm
Wednesday 16 October 11.30am-2pm
Wednesday 13 November (strategic planning workshop)

Committee secretary

Ms J Tomov
Extn: 87751