Library Membership and Conditions of Access Guidelines


This document applies to

  • All current staff members and enrolled students of the University
  • Other persons seeking to become associate members of the Library
  • Members of the public using the Library


This document details the resources and services provided to members of the University of Auckland Library and also the conditions under which members of the wider community may gain access to the Library and to Library resources.

All current University staff members and enrolled students are entitled to be members of the Library.

Conditions of borrowing, conduct of users, charges and sanctions and other details about the use of the Library are described or defined in the Library Statute 2007.


  • Staff members
    • Academic, adjunct and professional staff members employed by the University
    • Honorary and visiting academic staff
    • Retired University of Auckland academic and professional staff, members of the Council, Honorary Fellows, lay members of Council ethics committees
  • Students
    • Students enrolled in degrees and diplomas
    • Intending research masters and doctoral candidates
  • Access by members of the public
  • Associate membership
    • Associate membership for members of organisations or groups with contractual relationships with the University


Academic, adjunct and professional staff who are currently employed by the University have access to the normal range of resources and services offered by the Library.

Honorary and visiting academic staff: Honorary, and visiting academic staff from other institutions may, on application and with the recommendation of the head of department in which they are based at the University of Auckland, be granted access to the normal range of resources and services.

Membership of the Library is available to: Retired University of Auckland academic and professional staff; members of Council; Honorary Fellows; lay members of Council ethics committees: Resources and services are provided on the same basis as those provided to current staff.


Students actively enrolled in degrees and diplomas have access to the normal range of resources and services offered by the Library. 

The normal range of resources and services offered by the Library is: 

  • Catalogue
  • Print, audio-visual and microtext collections
  • Borrowing privileges
  • Library web pages and electronic resources  (on or off-campus via authenticated access)
  • Learning, teaching and research support services 
  • Inter-campus requests
  • Interlibrary loan and document delivery service
  • Workshops
  • Computer, photocopying and printing facilities
  • Study and research space

Intending research masters and doctoral candidates: Candidates who have applied for admission into research masters and doctoral degrees at the University, or who have been accepted into a research masters or doctoral degree but have not yet commenced their enrolment will be given membership of the Library free of charge for a limited period of time not usually exceeding six months. This period may be extended by the University Librarian in exceptional circumstances on the recommendation of the appropriate head of department. Resources and services will be available as for currently enrolled students. 

Access by members of the public  

Some resources and services of the Library system are available to the public. The University allows the public to visit the Library on a discretionary basis but may limit their access to Library resources and services. Becoming an associate member of the Library allows greater access to Library resources and services. 

The public will normally have access to the following Library resources and services, providing their use does not prevent enrolled University of Auckland students or staff accessing the same resources and services: 

  • Catalogue 
  • Library web pages (excluding licensed electronic resources) 
  • Library collection via the  Interlibrary Loan request scheme 
  • In-library use of library print resources (excluding licensed electronic resources) 
  • Materials held in Cultural Collections may be available on request

Associate membership

Associate membership is granted by the University Librarian according to these Conditions of Access:

The University Librarian may grant associate membership to members of the public, including graduates not presently enrolled at the University, whose information needs can most appropriately be met from the resources held in the University Library. However, because of the demand for Library services from University staff and students, it is necessary to limit the number of persons granted associate membership.

Only in exceptional circumstances will the University Librarian grant associate membership to an individual who is enrolled in a formal course of study or who is a staff member from another tertiary educational institution (unless specifically covered by a listed membership category).

Applicants for associate membership must normally hold a tertiary qualification recognised by the University. The University Librarian may extend access to people who do not meet this criterion provided that they can satisfy the University Librarian they have strong grounds for being granted associate membership status.

Access to electronic resources is only provided on condition that it is used for private study and research. For more details on terms and conditions of use:

Read the Electronic resources – Terms and conditions of use 

View the List of databases available to associate members off campus 

Associate members of the Library must comply with the Library Statute

Associate membership fees are determined by Senate taking into account any recommendations made by the University Librarian and Library Committee.

View the Associate Membership: schedule of fees 

Note: Charges may also apply for the interlibrary loan and document delivery service, and photocopying, computer and microtext printing facilities.

The University Librarian has a delegated authority to waive associate membership fees in exceptional circumstances, although a $30 (GST incl.) administration fee will normally be charged.

Four categories of associate membership are available:

Associate membership – borrowing and electronic access

This category provides access to the following range of resources and services offered by the Library:

  • Borrowing privileges
  • Catalogue
  • Print, audiovisual and microtext collections
  • Certain Library databases including e-journals and e-books (only accessible from a library workstation where license agreements permit; access via the internet from the University wireless network, home or office is available to a limited number of databases)
  • Inter-campus requests
  • Interlibrary loan and document delivery service
  • Photocopying, computer and microtext printing facilities
  • Study and research space

Associate membership – borrowing only

This category provides borrowing privileges but no access to electronic resources either in University libraries or off-campus Access is available to:

  • Borrowing privileges
  • Catalogue
  • Print, audio-visual and microtext collections
  • Intercampus requests
  • Photocopying, computer and microtext printing facilities
  • Study and research space

Associate membership – electronic access only

This category provides access to most electronic resources from Library workstations but only some electronic resources from off campus. It does not allow borrowing from any library. Access is available to:

  • Catalogue
  • Certain Library databases including e-journals and e-books (only accessible from a library workstation where licence agreements permit; access via the internet from the University wireless network, home or office is available to a limited number of databases)
  • Library collection via the Interlibrary Loan service
  • In-library use of library print resources (excluding licensed electronic resources)
  • Materials held in Cultural Collections may be available on request
  • Photocopying

Associate membership for members of organisations or groups with contractual relationships with the University

Membership of the Library may be extended to members of an organisation or group with which the University has an agreed contractual or other formal relationship. Identified members of the organisation or group in this category may be given access to specified library services. Conditions of access for this type of associate membership are negotiated at an institutional or group level to cater for differing information needs.


The following definitions apply to this document:

Library refers to all parts of the University Library including information commons and such other areas as may be under the management of the University Librarian.

Library material includes all types of printed, written, photographic, audiovisual, machine-readable material and borrowable equipment held by the Library.

Library resource includes all library material, facilities and services (including electronic resources and software) available in, from or through the library to some or all users.

Member means all persons permitted to use the library under clauses 8 and 9 of the Library Statute.

Staff member means any person who is a member of the staff of the University.

Student means a person who is enrolled as a student at the University.

University means Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland and includes all subsidiaries.

University Librarian means the person appointed by the Vice Chancellor who is responsible for the management of all parts of the Library.

Key relevant documents

Include the following:

Document management and control

Content Manager:
 Associate Director, Collections and Digital
Owned by:
University Librarian
Approved by:
Library Committee
Date approved:
 4 March 2024
Review date:
4 March 2029