
The New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law subscription information.

Current volume

The New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law is published annually by the Auckland Law School, the University of Auckland. The Journal is available on direct subscription or by writing to:

The Subscription Manager

The following annual subscription prices apply (postage, handling and GST included):

  • New Zealand subscribers: NZ$75 per annum.
  • Overseas subscribers: NZ$80 per annum (no GST payable).
  • Electronic subscription (searchable pdf): $NZ40.00 per annum.

Back issues

Back issues are available from the Subscription Manager and are charged at the following rates (postage, handling and GST included):

  • Within New Zealand: NZ$25. 
  • Overseas: NZ$35 (no GST payable).
  • Electronic version of an issue (where available): $NZ20.00.


Information about advertising in the Journal, including circulation data and advertising rates, may be obtained by writing to the Subscription Manager.

New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law should be cited as (1997) 1 NZJEL....; (1998) 2 NZJEL .... etc.