Stephen Knight-Lenihan Profile

Dr Stephen Knight-Lenihan works in the cross-over area between ecology and planning. Stephen has an Honours degree in Zoology and worked as an environmental consultant before doing a PhD in Planning in 2008. After working in South Africa for two years, he joined the University of Auckland in 2010. Stephen has also has worked as a print and broadcast journalist for the National Business Review, Radio New Zealand, and the New Zealand Herald, as well as freelancing. His particular interest is in ecological restoration in the context of economic and social development. Stephen is currently working as a volunteer out of Sweden on development, climate and ecological restoration issues in developing economies. He has published widely in academic journals, books and the media on issues relating to transport, resilience, risk, and environment and planning. 

Qualifications: B.Sc. (Hons) Canterbury University 1978; M.Sc. (Environmental Science) University of Auckland, 1994; Ph.D. (Planning) 2008 University of Auckland.