Frequently asked questions

What should I study before undertaking Law?

There are no prescribed subjects. Linguistic and essay writing skills are useful for studying Law. Many students take one subject in Classical Studies, English, Geography, History, History of Art, Te Reo Māori or Te Reo Rangatira for NCEA Level 3 or equivalent qualification.

At university level, subjects such as English, Politics and International Relations, History, and Philosophy are recommended for similar reasons.

Why do I have to apply for two programmes if I only want to study Law?

The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) regulations requirestudents to enrol in five other non-Law courses under one degree programme along with LAW 121G, LAW 131 and LAW 141 as studying two disciplines broadens students’ knowledge.

How is a Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated?

Averages are calculated on the following scale:

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+
9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0

In calculating the GPA, “withdrawals”, “did not sit” and “did not complete” results are counted as zero, except where:

• Courses (other than LAW 121G, LAW 131and LAW 141) taken in the same year total more than 75 points.


• You can demonstrate that the “withdrawal” ,“did not sit” or “did not complete” result was due to extraordinary and significant circumstances beyond your control and documentary evidence can be produced. Applications need to be made in writing to the Selection Committee in December of the year prior to which you are applying.

What if I believe my most recent year of academic study is not representative of my ability?

If you believe that exceptional circumstances beyond your control prevented you from achieving grades indicative of your ability, you can write to the Selection Committee requesting that your academic record from a previous year be considered. You will need to provide documentary evidence of the exceptional circumstances and the impact they had on your grades.

If you have already applied for compassionate or aegrotat consideration in courses in your most recent year of academic study, further consideration cannot be given.

If I began my Law degree at another New Zealand tertiary institution, how will I be assessed?

If you have completed the equivalent of the University of Auckland’s three LLB Part I courses – LAW 121G (Law and Society), LAW 131 (Legal Method) and LAW141 (Legal Foundations) – and five non-lawcourses (equivalent to 75 points), you will be assessed in the same way as students at the University of Auckland who have completed LLB Part I.

If you have completed further university Law courses, assessment, admission and required University of Auckland courses will depend on how much of your Law degree you have completed. You should consult a student adviser in the Law School for more advice on your individual situation.

Will Summer School results be included in my GPA calculation?

Yes they will, provided the Summer School courses were completed in the same year that the application is lodged. All courses contributing to a GPA for selection purposes need to have been completed by the time applications close.

Am I able to study Law part-time?

You can study Law part-time, but all courses are timetabled between the hours 8am and 6pm. As a part-time student you would take fewer courses each semester, depending on your other commitments.