Rohan Chauhan
Rohan Chauhan has completed his Master of Laws in International Law part-time and is a Senior Tax Consultant at KPMG New Zealand. Rohan is the recipient of the Marsden Grant Research Scholarship "Learnings from Tobacco Control Strategies in Trade and Investment Agreements".

Key Facts
Programme: Master of Laws
Specialisation: International Law
Career: Tax Consultant
"I have a strong interest in international trade and investment law and decided to pursue postgraduate study to further my employment prospects in this niche area of law. I was fortunate to be awarded the Marsden Grant Research Scholarship "Learnings from Tobacco Control Strategies in Trade and Investment Agreements". The scholarship included the payment of tuition fees, a research stipend and supervision by a leading scholar in the area of trade and investment agreements. The scholarship was a huge motivation for me to push myself and create my best pieces of academic work.
I chose the Auckland Law School’s Master of Laws because it allowed me to combine taught and research masters components in one degree. This option meant I undertook a taught masters course in International Trade Law and developed a thesis in the same area.
I enjoyed the intellectual rigour of research. A highlight was receiving an excellent grade from a professor who is the author of a foremost publication on international trade law; it gave me immense satisfaction to achieve in a field I am passionate about. I count the support offered by the postgraduate advisers and librarians as invaluable to my success.
The most valuable aspect of my degree was developing an awareness of the processes, policy and politics that shape international law and a states sovereign rule-making authority. I understand the broader impact that trade and investment rules can have on the regulatory autonomy of states, the influence corporations have in policy making, and how trade and investment rules impact upon efforts to lift people out of poverty. I am confident my masters will support my long-term career aspiration to represent New Zealand’s interests on the global stage, and have a say in world affairs."