COMPASS works on a number of externally-funded research grants, and has received funding from the following bodies.
- Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE)
We have a long history of work with the MBIE and its predecessors. The Foundation for Research, Science, and Technology funded our initial family wellbeing work back as far as 2002, and the organisation in its various guises has continued to enable our efforts in microsimulation ever since. We are also part of their National Science Challenge,
"A Better Start".
- A Better Start / E Tipu e Rea National Science Challenge
The Big Data team is forming collaborative research partnerships with experts from across A Better Start National Science Challenge, funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. The Challenge is hosted by the Liggins Institute at the University of Auckland. Our challenge works with a number of institutions to build a collaborative framework to articulate and answer research questions of significant importance to New Zealand and to the wider academic and policy communities.
- Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC)
The HRC is another of our long time funders, earlier supporting our microsimulation work using the New Zealand Health Survey and analysis of the National Minimum Data Set, and currently funding further work with the New Zealand Longitudinal Census and an examination of child poverty.
- Royal Society of New Zealand
The Royal Society funded our very earliest work in social simulation using census data, including two PhD scholarships, and supported our most recent endeavours in the same, for which our former director, Professor Peter Davis, was awarded a James Cook Fellowship. We are also part of a current Marsden funded project looking at stable housing for ex-prisoners.
- Ministry of Social Development (MSD)
The MSD is enabling our collaboration with EY in Australia, in an examination of indicators of vulnerability in children, and what can lead to poor life outcomes.
- Independent Māori Statutory Board (IMSB)
We worked with the IMSB in 2017, on appropriate baseline measures of wellbeing for the Māori population in Auckland.
- Te Rā o te Waka Hourua (now Te Rau Ora)
We worked with Dr Jemaima Tiatia-Seath in the Department of Māori and Pacific Studies here at the University on surveys funded by this organisation, of Pacific Peoples that had suffered through the suicide of a loved one, and the providers of support for people in those circumstances.
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)
We are part of the University's contribution to MFAT's Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL) services panel.
- Worldwide Universities Network
We were part of an international group funded by the World Universities Network to examine the provision of health services and community care for the elderly.
- Jeanette Crossley Fellowship
We are part of a group undertaking a project looking at the development and effects of loneliness across the life course, research funded by the estate of Jeanette Crossley. This also funded our efforts towards the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) in 2017, looking at the social networks of New Zealanders.
- New Zealand Electoral Commission (NZEC)
The NZEC has helped to fund the New Zealand Election Study since 2005, and we have been helping to run it since 2011. The Commission also helps us greatly by making the New Zealand Electoral Rolls available for research purposes, and we have used these for sampling in most of our survey work.
- Victoria University of Wellington (VUW), Auckland University of Technology (AUT), University of Otago, Durham University
Professor Jack Vowles has run the New Zealand Election Study since its inception, and has been providing funding from VUW since he has been working there, starting with the 2014 survey. Collaborators from AUT, the University of Otago, and Durham University, provided additional funding for the 2017 survey.
- New Zealand European Union Centres Network (EUCN)
The EUCN helped us fund the 2014/2015 combined survey for the ISSP, for its focus on the concept of citizenship in New Zealand. The University of Auckland Business School provided funding for the other part of the survey, on work orientations.
Within the University of Auckland we have supported a number of researchers working on Faculty Research and Development Fund projects, and we have received Vice Chancellor Strategic Development Fund grants for some of our survey work.