Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga is New Zealand's Māori Centre of Research Excellence, underpinned by its vision of Māori leading New Zealand into the future.
Visit NPM
The PPI provides independent analysis and insight into key policy issues affecting New Zealand and the world.
Visit the PPI
COMPASS is an experienced team undertaking quantitative social science research of international standing and with policy relevance.
We are a multi-disciplinary research institute promoting research, scholarship and teaching on contemporary Europe and EU-related issues.
Visit the Europe Institute
The New Zealand Centre for Latin American Studies (NZCLAS) is New Zealand's only interdisciplinary research centre with a focus on Latin America.
Explore NZCLAS
The centre supports research into the historical and contemporary links between Northern and Central Europe, and New Zealand and the Pacific.
Read about their research
The AHI seeks to engage with the historical and cultural development of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and its importance to New Zealand life and beyond.
Visit the AHI
The ANZL is a writer-led initiative developed to help our active practitioners sustain themselves through a writer's life.
Visit the ANZL
This project responds to Jacinda Ardern's calls for a politics of kindness by investigating what such politics really looks like.
Visit Agencies of Kindness
The University of Auckland Critical Theory Network is an interdisciplinary network of critical scholars from across the disciplines.
Visit Critical Theory Network
The Big Q connects audiences to informed dialogue about science, economics, arts and politics.
Visit the Big Q