Student Support and Engagement Team
The Student Support and Engagement Team are here to offer pastoral and personal support during your studies in Arts.

The Arts Student Support and Engagement team provides help and support to you while you are a student in the Faculty of Arts. Contact us for more information about Arts+ mentoring programme, Tuākana Arts, Arts Emergency Fund, Arts International, Hidden Perspectives, or if you require personal support.
We offer support for Equity group students (LGBTQIATakatāpui+, Māori and Pacific, students with disabilities, students from refugee backgrounds, students from low socio-economic backgrounds). We can also connect you with the right service in the University based on your needs.
If you are a postgraduate student, see our support and contacts for postgraduates to connect with PG mentors and Academic Advisers, and to request assistance.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with us for any concerns or issues related to your studies.
Book an appointment by emailing one of our Student Support Advisors below.
You could visit us in Room 419 at B201.
Our team
Stacey Giles, Student Support and Engagement Manager
Stacey manages engagement, support and retention initiatives to enhance students’ experience in the Faculty of Arts.
Tuivalu Lauganiu, Student Support Adviser - Māori and Pacific
Tuivalu supports all Arts students with their learning needs, pastoral care and general wellbeing. He mainly supports our Māori and Pacific students in the Faculty of Arts, including managing the Tuākana Arts programme and our Tuākana teaching assistants.
David Lavulo, Student Support Adviser - Academic Standing
David provides advocacy, wellbeing, pastoral and learning support for Arts students, particularly those at academic risk. He works closely with other team members, especially the Student Support Adviser for Māori and Pacific, as well as other professional services, like the Faculty's Programme Advisers and Campus Care.
Malisa Harford, Tuākana Arts Administrator
Malisa supports the Tuākana Arts Programme by providing administrative support towards the Tuākana teaching assistants who academically assist our Māori and Pasifika students in the Faculty of Arts. Malisa also oversees the Tuākana Teaching Assistants to ensure the best possible outcome for Tuākana Arts.
Dina Isber, Student Support Advisor - International
Dina supports all Arts students with their wellbeing, pastoral care, and learning support. She particularly looks after international students in the Faculty of Arts, including managing the international student mentor team, and supporting students from refugee backgrounds.
Emma Ko, Student Experience Adviser
Emma provides a range of development, transition and engagement activities for all students. She leads the Arts+ mentoring programme and works closely with Campus Life and the Faculty’s student clubs.
Natalie Bell, Student Support Advisor Postgraduate
Natalie assists Postgraduates students in their academic journey, prioritizing their wellbeing and facilitating their access to the universities’ range of support services. She manages the PG Mentoring Program and serves as the Faculty contact for LGBTQIATakatāpui+ students. She is also the Disability Liaison for students with disabilities.
Contact us
For all general enquiries, reach out to or visit us at Room 419, Building 201, 10 Symonds Street.
Our team is here to help you thrive at university and make the most of your student experience. We can connect you with a wide range of support services, opportunities, and resources to meet your individual needs.
We are responsible for initiatives such as Tuākana, the International Mentor Programme, hardship funds, orientation, club support, graduation, Wiki Whai Hauora, and other student events and activities within the Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries.
Stay up do date with notices, opportunities, scholarships, jobs and events through our weekly student newsletter.
You can reach out to us if your mental health, wellbeing, finances or other external pressures are having a negative impact on your studies. Our team is here to listen and connect you with the right kind of support for your given situation.
Contact us
Contact the team via email or book a meeting for a chat. We would love to hear from you!
Student Support and Engagement team email:
Our Team
Danielle Thomson
Student Support & Experience Adviser
Evelina Lolesi
Tuākana Coordinator