Advice on how to choose your BA subjects and courses, planning your BA and conjoint degrees, enriching your BA, and General Education courses.
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The support services available to you as an Arts and Education student including the Student Hubs, Arts+, Tuākana Arts and Hidden Perspectives.
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See what courses are available in Fine Arts and get advice on planning your degree.
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Our internship course places you with an employer for a semester to boost your degree with workplace experience.
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Information for postgraduate students including course enrolment, thesis extensions and suspensions, postgraduate research, and forms.
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Getting started as a PhD student in Arts and Education, the funding available to you, and how to book travel for research and conferences.
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Arts and Education clubs and societies, social and study spaces, computer labs, and student events.
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An Arts qualification provides you with valuable transferable skills for the changing world of work.
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Find out about undergraduate, postgraduate and international scholarships for Faculty of Arts and Education students, or browse our scholarships by subject.
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Find out how to apply for student exchange and study abroad, about our exchange partners, approved courses, scholarships and how to contact an adviser.
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