Postgraduate Associates

Research studies in knowledge and the curriculum by KERU’s Postgraduate Associates makes a significant contribution to KERU’s research portfolio.

Louise Zame. MEd thesis completed 2018. Knowledge and Inquiry Learning in a Primary School

Neil Morrow. MEd thesis completed 2014. Subject-Specific Mathematical Vocabulary in Mathematics Lessons. PhD in progress: The New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum and Student

Lizzie Grace. MEd thesis completed 2018. Missed Opportunities: A social realist perspective on text selection in secondary school English. Publication: Grace, L (2017). Bringing Skills Back In: A Space for Literacy in a Social Realist Curriculum, Pacific-Asian Education, 29, 1-14.

Pauline Cooper-Ioelu. PhD in progress. The Academic Nurse: The discipline and the development of academic teaching identities

Rochelle Spicer. EdD in progress. Curriculum Selection and Design: A Study of New Zealand Social Studies Teachers

Kieran Gainsford. MEd in progress. Chemistry Teachers' Curriculum Decisions in New Zealand Schools

Catherine Kelsey. PhD in progress: Teacher’s Professional Development in Curriculum Design

Edward Pinel. PhD in progress. The Impact of Future-Focused Change on New Zealand Primary School Teachers

Julie Skelling. MEd Thesis completed: Tracking the Transformation of Symbolic Discourse: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and non-Māori teachers’ selection of Māori cultural content PhD in progress. Tensions and Contradictions: Special Education Policy, Initiatives, and Provision in New Zealand

Xiaoming Tian. PhD in progress. Neoliberalism, Core Socialist Values, China’s curriculum policies and practices

Cristopher Lynch. MEd thesis: Teachers’ attitudes to Maori educational achievement initiatives (2016). PhD (current): A history of science education in New Zealand: Influences and Consequences. Publication: Lynch, C. & Rata, E. (2018) Culturally responsive pedagogy: A New Zealand case study, International Studies in Sociology of Education 27:4, 391-408, DOI: 10.1080/09620214.2018.1468274.