Our schools and departments

We focus on research, scholarship and teaching of curriculum, and the practice of pedagogy across early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary contexts.

Ki te hōpara | Explore now

Our school brings together academic staff with expertise in teaching, scholarship, research and practice in social work, counselling and human services.

Whakaaturia me pēhea | See how

Our teaching, research and practice is centred on the place of education and its transformative potential in New Zealand society, the Pacific and the world.

Homai he kōrero anō | Tell me more

Our local, national and international reputation is evidenced through the work of our academic staff who contribute to our teaching, research and leadership.

Kimihia te roanga atu | Find out more

Our school focuses on education and teacher education that is underpinned by tikanga, te reo and mātauranga Māori.

Nau mai, haere mai

We provide comprehensive professional learning and development opportunities for educators, social workers and those working in social and community settings.

Toroa ināianei | Visit now