Law Honours Programme (LLB(Hons)) Entry Requirements
We welcome applications to LLB(Hons) throughout the year until the closing date prior to the year you will seek admission into LLB(Hons).
Applications for LLB(Hons) must be made online through the ‘Apply Now’ function.
We strongly encourage you to apply for LLB(Hons) no later than 1 October of the year prior to which you are applying.
The last date to apply is 8 December and applications after this date will not be accepted.
LLB(Hons) Eligibility
To be considered for selection into LLB(Hons), you need to have:
• Completed all LLB Part I and II courses
• Have a minimum weighted Law GPA (LawHons GPA) of 6.00
Transfer students will only be eligible to apply for LLB(Hons) upon completion of LAW 141 with the minimum grade requirement of C+, LAW 298 alongside LLB Part II courses and any outstanding non-law courses.
Find more information on applying for law transfer from another university.
Delayed Admission into LLB(Hons)
Students who do not accept their offer of place or are not admitted into LLB(Hons) after the completion of their LLB part II courses and subsequently meet the minimum LawHons GPA of 6.00 are welcome to reapply for LLB(Hons).
As the Honours seminar is a full-year course, you must have remaining LLB Part IV requirements (includes LAW 498) to complete in Semester Two in the year you are admitted to be eligible for LLB(Hons).
Entry Requirements
Students with a LawHons GPA of 6.00 (B+) and above are eligible to apply and be admitted into the LLB(Hons) programme.
Please note: Entry requirements may change each year.
Find information on how the LawHons GPA is calculated below and LLB(Hons) Overview and Entry Requirements.
LawHons GPA Calculation
The LawHons GPA is used for the purpose of admission to LLB(Hons), calculated using the points value of the course and the grade achieved.
All completed law courses (LLB Part I-IV) are factored into the calculation. This includes any courses that have been given special permission to be counted as a law elective. Any failed grades* are included with non-law courses disregarded.
Courses completed on Exchange are not included in the LawHons GPA.
If you have repeated one or more of courses of LLB Part I (LAW 121G, LAW 131, LAW 141), the best grade you have received for these three courses will be factored into the calculation. The other grades you have received for the three courses will be disregarded.
If you have repeated one or more courses from LLB Part II or above, all grades will be factored in the calculation.
* All fails (D+, D, D-, DNC, DNS) and withdrawals included and weighted as a zero (0) grade in the LawHons GPA for entry to LLB(Hons).
Please note a withdrawal is counted as zero for our selection purposes if received before 2023.
If you can demonstrate that the fails or withdrawal result were due to extraordinary and significant circumstances beyond your control and documentary evidence can be produced.
An application needs to be made in writing to the Associate Dean (Academic) by 8 December emailing
See above the exception for LAW 121G, LAW 131 and LAW 141.
Sample LawHons GPA:

Indicative Honours Programme Entry | Timeline |
Students apply for LLB(Hons) on Apply to Study | by 1 October |
Final closing date for LLB(Hons) Applications | 8 December – no applications will be accepted after this date |
Honours Selection Committee meet to determine entry requirements | mid-December |
LLB(Hons) offers sent to eligible applicants | by end of December |
Enrolments open for Honours Seminar – seminars are allocated on a first come first served basis | by end of December |
Deadline for students to accept LLB(Hons) offer | 15 January |
Deadline for students to enrol into Honours Seminar | second Friday of semester One |
Applying for Admission
When applying, please make sure you choose the correct programme and specialisation.
To apply, please read ‘How to apply for undergraduate admission' and follow the steps.
When completing the “Programme Selection”, please note the following:
*Programme Type | Bachelors Honours |
*Programme Name | E.g. Bachelor of Laws (Honours), or Conjoint: BA/LLB(Hons) etc |
*Major or Specialisation | Law (Note: When you add the programme, the system will automatically fill in the specialisation/major as “Law Part I”. Click on it and delete the “Part I” text and “Law” will appear. “Law” is the correct specialisation to choose for LLB Part II. If you are applying for conjoint, you still need to select Law as one of your specialisations). |
*Start Term | 2023 Semester One |
*Campus | City |
If you wish to continue with a conjoint, please ensure you apply for this. Only apply for the single LLB(Hons) programme if continuing with a single LLB(Hons) degree.
Remember to submit your online application for LLB(Hons) no later than 8 December of the year prior to which you are applying.
Late applications cannot be considered.
Find more information on declining, deferring, remaining and withdrawing from LLB(Hons).