All of the University of Auckland’s pre-service teacher education programmes require student teachers to gain experience in schools and centres to practise and hone their skills and knowledge, and to help them understand the links between theory and practice in authentic settings.
These professional experience placements in schools and centres are commonly called practicum.
The length and arrangements for practicum vary according to the programme being studied.

Our Practicum Hub site provides specific information about practicum for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary teacher education programmes (whether undergraduate, graduate diploma or masters level).
This site is written for associate teachers and professional supervisors who will be supervising your practicum. However, the information it contains is still very useful for student teachers. You can download PowerPoint presentations, read student teacher exemplars and learn about the faculty’s practicum initiatives.
Student teachers are expected to prepare well for practicum, and to behave in a professional manner. This includes:
- Being fully conversant with the practicum course brief, expectations and requirements
- Being fully prepared for the practicum placement in terms of class attendance, pre-practicum tasks and contact with the school/centre and professional supervisor
- Complying with the school’s/centre’s policies, procedures and its professional expectations of staff (e.g. dress code, use of ITC, confidentiality)
- Presenting an ethical, responsible and professional attitude in all contact with school/centre staff, students, parents and whānau
- Respecting the personal effort and constructive professional advice provided by the school/centre, associate teacher and professional supervisor
- Communicating in a professional and timely manner when there is a concern to be discussed