Breadcrumbs List.
Learn more about our microsimulation techniques to model population changes and test what-if scenarios around policy direction.
About microsimulation
We use simulation to model population changes over time, and to test 'what-if' scenarios.
Vulnerable Children Investment Approach
We examine and evaluate indicators of poor childhoods or life outcomes in a microsimulation tool enabling testing of policy scenarios.
New Zealand as a social laboratory
This project extended microsimulation to the Longitudinal Census product, simulating the entire life span starting from the New Zealand population from 1981.
Developing a knowledge laboratory of the early life-course using systematic reviews and meta analyses
We used key determinants of child/adolescent outcomes and estimates from systematic reviews and meta-analyses to extend our model of the early life-course.
A modelling tool to improve the policy response on issues concerning children and young people
We use longitudinal studies to create models of changes per year in a number of variables, and work these into a model of the first 13 years of life.
The Balance of Care in an Ageing Society (BCASO)
We used the New Zealand Health Survey and Disability Surveys to explore the experience and ongoing impact of long-term, disabling, and chronic conditions.
Primary care in an ageing society: a modelling approach (PCASO)
We use two New Zealand medical surveys to model the primary healthcare system, and to test it under different scenarios of demographic ageing.
Modelling residential segregation: an empirical and simulation-based study
We use New Zealand Census data and advanced modelling techniques to simulate changes in residential segregation and its patterns, causes, and consequences.
Modelling social change in New Zealand: Social Simulation Applied to a Census 'test-bed' (MoSC)
We use New Zealand Census data to examine changes in partnership behaviour and test hypotheses about New Zealand's changing social structure.
Better Start Model