Tuākana at Creative Arts and Industries

Tuākana is an academic support programme for our Māori and Pacific students to enhance academic success during your studies.

Our team of senior mana moana students (tuākana) are dedicated to supporting you (teina) to enhance success during your studies. 

We organise academic drop-in sessions with kai, regular workshops within your discipline and across the Faculty, and assignment / examination wānanga to aid you in your studies. We have shared kai and kōrero throughout the year to foster whakawhanaungatanga within the Faculty.

Meet Evelina Lolesi, Tuākana Coordinator

Evelina Lolesi, Creative Arts and Industries Tuākana Coordinator
Evelina Lolesi, Creative Arts and Industries Tuākana Coordinator

“Kia ora and Talofa Lava! I’m Evelina Lolesi, the Tuākana Coordinator for Creative Arts and Industries. I am also studying towards a Master of Architecture (Professional) and Heritage Conservation. I love to approach my architecture work from a Moana-nui perspective, using my Samoan heritage as inspiration for my projects.

“As someone raised and currently living in Manurewa, South Auckland, I understand the importance of supporting our Māori and Pasifika communities. With my role as a Tuākana Coordinator, I aim to support and guide you towards success at university.”

Tuākana Manaakitanga

Tuākana Manaakitanga provides financial assistance for our students who are facing hardship or need support, and can help link to the broader University community.


We hold a range of events for Māori and Pacific students throughout the year, from noho marae to wānanga to cultural celebrations. 

Contact us

If you have questions about the Tuākana Programme, then please feel free to get in touch with our Student Support and Engagement Team.

Email: cai-sce@auckland.ac.nz