Industry Engagement Coordinator

Belle Chalisa's majors have enabled her to thrive in the film industry.

Key facts

Career: Industry Engagement Coordinator at Doc Edge
Programme: Bachelor of Arts
Subjects: Psychology and Screen Production*
High school: International School Eastern Seaboard (Thailand) 

“As an Industry Engagement Coordinator, I oversee events and workshops for people in the screen industry. My two majors prepared me for this job in different ways – Screen Production developed my skills in planning and event management. Like making a movie, events require planning, communication with the team members, and learning how to run the “show” smoothly.

"Studying Psychology has enabled me to rationalise my thought process and understand myself and others better. I reckon it’s natural that you develop more compassion and sympathy for people if one of your main focuses for three years is on human cognitive and behavioural sciences.

It’s mind-blowing sometimes when you get to have a private chat with award-winning professionals about their days, career journeys, and personal advice they have for you!”

Belle Chalisa

“At Doc Edge, it’s a privilege to have free access to cool workshops and forums. I’ve gotten so many insights into what’s happening in the film industry beyond movie making, and love connecting with filmmakers and other organisation’s executives.

“It’s mind-blowing sometimes when you get to have a private chat with award-winning professionals about their days, career journeys, and personal advice they have for you!”

*The Screen Production major is now a postgraduate qualification and Communication and Media & Screen are offered as undergraduate BA majors.