Publications and awards

Selected recent publications

  1. Targeted ablation of pacemaker sites to modulate patterns of gastric bioelectrical slow wave activation and propagation. Aghababaie Z, Cheng LK, Paskaranandavadivel N, Avci R, Chan C-HA, Matthee A, Amirapu S, Asirvatham SJ, Farrugia G, Beyder A, O’Grady G, Angeli-Gordon TR. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 322(4):G431-G445, 2022.

  2. High-resolution spatiotemporal quantification of intestinal motility with free-form deformation. Kuruppu S, Cheng LK, Nielsen PMF, Babarenda Gamage TP, Angeli-Gordon TR, Avci R, Paskaranandavadivel N. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. In Press: E-pub ahead of print, 2022. PMID: 34910629.

  3. Localized gastric distension disrupts slow wave entrainment leading to temporary ectopic propagation: a high-resolution electrical mapping study. Chan C-HA, Aghababaie Z, Paskaranandavadivel N, Avci R, Cheng LK, Angeli-Gordon TR. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 321(6):G656-G667, 2021. PMID: 34612062.

  4. Gastric ablation as a novel technique for modulating the bioelectrical control of the stomach. Aghababaie Z, Paskaranandavadivel N, Amirapu S, Chan C-HA, Du P, Asirvatham SJ, Farrugia G, Beyder A, O’Grady G, Cheng LK, Angeli TR. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 320(4):G573-G585, 2021. PMID: 33470186.

  5. The influence of ICC loss and aging on slow wave conduction velocity in the human stomach. Wang TH-H, Angeli TR, Ishida S, Du P, Gharibans A, Paskaranandavadivel N, Imai Y, Miyagawa T, Abell TL, Farrugia G, Cheng LK, O’Grady G. Physiological Reports. 8(24):e14659, 2021. PMID: 33355992.

  6. Design and validation of a surface-contact electrode for gastric pacing and concurrent slow-wave mapping. Alighaleh S, Cheng LK, Angeli TR, Aghababaie Z, O’Grady G, Paskaranandavadivel N. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 68(8):2574-2581, 2021. PMID: 33656985.

  7. Transmural recordings of gastrointestinal electrical activity using a spatially-dense microelectrode array. Nagahawatte N, Paskaranandavadivel N, Angeli TR, Cheng LK, Avci R. Physiological Measurement. 42(3):035009, 2021. PMID: 33607644.

  8. A computational model of radiofrequency ablation in the stomach, an emerging therapy for gastric dysrhythmias. Savage M, Avci R, Aghababaie Z, Matthee A, Chamani F, Prakash P, Cheng LK, Angeli-Gordon TR. Proceeding of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. 1:1495-1498, 2021. PMID: 34891568.

  9. Reconstruction of stomach geometry using magnetic source localization. Eichler CE, Cheng LK, Paskaranandavadivel N, Alighaleh S, Angeli-Gordon TR, Du P, Bradshaw A, Avci R. Proceeding of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. 1:4234-4237, 2021. PMID: 34892158.

  10. Effects of Electrode Diameter and Contact Material on Signal Morphology of Gastric Bioelectrical Slow Wave Recordings. Kamat AA, Paskaranandavadivel N, Alighaleh S, Cheng LK, Angeli TR. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 48(4):1407-1418, 2020. PMID 31980997.



  • Zahra Aghababaie
    Young Investigator Award (Runner-up), NZ Society of Gastroenterology.

  • Zahra Aghababaie
    Runner-Up, Best Oral Presentation, Auckland Bioengineering Institute Annual Research Forum, Auckland, NZ.


  • Tim Angeli-Gordon
    Marsden Fast-Start Grant, Royal Society Te Apārangi.

  • Ashley Abraham, Leo Cheng, Tim Angeli, Saeed Alighaleh, Niranchan Paskaranandavadivel.
    Finalist for Best Published Paper in 2019, Auckland Bioengineering Institute.


  • Chih-Hsiang Alexander Chan
    Young Investigator Award, International Gastrointestinal Electrophysiology Society (iGES) Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, USA.

  • Zahra Aghababaie
    Winning Entry, Velocity Entrepreneurship Ideas Challenge, University of Auckland, NZ.

  • Tim Wang
    Best Upper GI Research Presentation, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) Annual Scientific Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand.

  • Ashley Cherian Abraham (co-supervised by Dr Angeli)
    Fowlds Memorial Prize, for best Master’s thesis at Auckland Bioengineering Institute in 2018.

  • Mikhael Sayat
    Runner-Up, Best Presentation by a Summer Research Student, Auckland Bioengineering Institute Annual Research Forum, Auckland, NZ.


  • Tim Angeli
    Rutherford Discovery Fellowship, Royal Society of New Zealand