What qualifications do you need?

Find out what our minimum requirements are for PhD & Masters study.

PhD in Bioengineering minimum requirements

To study a PhD with us, you will need to meet the requirements listed below. However, these do not guarantee entry - we assess each application individually and applicants may require a higher grade to be offered a place.

If your highest qualification is from New Zealand:

  • Grade Point Average of 6.0 or higher
  • Honours or masters degree
  • Evidence of significant research, usually undertaken as part of prior study (if you don’t have this, see the information about our Postgraduate Certificate below)

If your highest qualification is from outside New Zealand:

  • Grade Point Equivalent of 6.0 or higher (Calculate your Grade Point Equivalent)
  • Masters-level qualification or the equivalent of a bachelors degree with honours
  • IELTS Academic score of 6.5 or higher, with no bands less than 6.0
  • Evidence of significant research, usually undertaken as part of prior study (if you don’t have this, see the information about our Postgraduate Certificate below)

What if you have not done significant research as part of your prior study?

If you do not have evidence of significant research, you may be considered for a doctoral bridging programme via our Postgraduate Certificate in Bioengineering. The Postgraduate Certificate is taught in the first semester, and is comprised of two 15-point Level 8 taught courses and a 30-point Level 9 research project. The taught courses and research project will provide students with the relevant disciplinary training and experience to advance to a PhD in Bioengineering. To be considered for this doctoral bridging programme, a student must have a current conditional offer of admission to a PhD. The student must then complete the Postgraduate Certificate in Bioengineering with an overall GPA of 6.00 or higher and a result of B+ or higher in the research project to qualify for the PhD. 

You can find a list of our currently available PhD projects here.

Masters in Bioengineering minimum requirements

To study a Masters with us, you will need to meet the requirements listed below. Again, these do not guarantee entry - we assess each application individually and applicants may require a higher grade to be offered a place.

If your highest qualification is from the University of Auckland:

  • Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher
  • To study a 120 point Masters, you will need a Bachelors with Honours in an approved subject
  • If you do not have Honours as part of your Bachelors, you can apply for the 180 point Masters in Bioengineering. Your Bachelors degree will need to be in an approved subject

If your highest qualification is from another tertiary institution:

  • Grade Point Equivalent of 5.0 or higher (Calculate your Grade Point Equivalent)
  • To study a 120 point Masters, you will need a Bachelors with Honours in an approved subject
  • If you do not have Honours as part of your Bachelors, you can apply for the 180 point Masters in Bioengineering. Your Bachelors degree will need to be in an approved subject
  • IELTS Academic score of 6.5 or higher, with no bands less than 6.0
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