Staff-Student Consultative Committee

Contact the SSCC for any issues or queries regarding your courses.

The SSCC is one route through which you can raise any issues or queries regarding your courses and your environment within the Department. It is also responsible for organising staff/student social events.

The SSCC includes elected representatives from each year group, taught postgraduate and research postgraduate students and relevant departmental staff. They meet at least twice a semester.

Meetings: Semester 1, 2024.

  • Thursday, April 18, 11am to 1pm
  • Thursday, May 16, 11am to 1pm

Undergraduate student representatives

Part II

Civil and Environmental Engineering:

Structural Engineering:

Part III

Civil and Environmental Engineering:

Structural Engineering:

Part IV

Civil and Environmental Engineering:

Structural Engineering:

  • Non-Elected

Postgraduate student representatives

PG Taught MCivilEng Taught

PG Taught Construction Management 

PhD Representative (City Campus)

PhD Representative (Newmarket Campus)

Staff reps

Head of Department

Deputy HoD (Academic)

SSCC co-chairs

    Undergraduate advisers

    Postgraduate advisers

    Group Services Coordinator

    Group Services Administrator