Connecting on LinkedIn

You can use your contacts and the University of Auckland alumni page on LinkedIn to find people working in careers that interest you. Then you can contact them and request an informational interview to learn more about their job, their career path, and what advice they might have for you.

Messaging your contacts

  • Be sure you have a photo on your profile – people respond more readily when they can see the person contacting them
  • Be brief and to the point with the message – a LinkedIn invitation has a 300-character limit
  • Mention your connection first, as it will improve your chances of getting your message read
  • Be specific about why you’d like to connect so they don’t think you are just trying to add connections
  • Don’t ask for a job – ask to discuss the organisation, the industry or your contact’s current position and career path
  • Close your message by telling them that you will follow up in a week. This gives you the opportunity to contact them again if they do not reply

Example message

Message SUBJECT: University of Auckland student seeks your advice 

Dear [NAME], 

I am a [DEGREE] graduate and saw your profile on the UoA LinkedIn alumni pages. I would really like to talk to you about your experience with [COMPANY]. I am exploring potential career opportunities in [INDUSTRY], and your insights would be very helpful. I will try you again next week if we are unable to connect this week.

Thank you, [NAME]