Research centres

The Business School hosts several research centres that focus on long-term projects of social, economic and academic relevance.

Auckland harbour cityscape at sunset

A core institution in Aotearoa’s transformation toward a more sustainable and inclusive economy.

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Our research focuses on economic and social engagement with Asia.

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Unlocking the entrepreneurial potential of women in Aotearoa New Zealand through research and education.

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The centre integrates researchers from both leadership and governance domains, and fosters collaboration across faculties within the University and with external stakeholders.

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The Centre for Research on Modern Slavery (CReMS) is a multi-disciplinary centre, founded in July 2020 to foster research on modern slavery.

Explore CReMS

A multi-disciplinary research centre that focuses on the application of digital technologies in organisations.

Explore CODE

Research on new problems, ideas and solutions in supply chain management.

Explore CSCM

A dedicated Māori research facility that aims to develop and strengthen the Māori workforce.

Nau mai, haere mai – Welcome

We seek to improve New Zealand’s prosperity through economic research that supports an evidence-based approach to policy making.

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Research policy analysis and education to help business and government confront energy issues of national significance.

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