
Our Energy Centre members have produced a number of research publications, which include articles, reports, presentations and working papers.

Annual reports

Latest Annual Report will be uploaded soon. 

Working papers

Update in progress

Journal articles

Peer-reviewed publications from the Energy Centre:


Wen, L., Sheng, M.S., Sharp, B., Meng, M., Du, B. & Yi, M., Suomalainen, K and Gkritza, K. (2023). Exploration of the nexus between solar potential and electric vehicle uptake: A case study of Auckland, New Zealand. Energy Policy, 173, 113406. 


Wen, L., Sharp, B., Suomalainen, K. Sheng, M., & Guang, F. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 containment measures on changes in electricity demand. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks.

Sheng, M.S., Sharp, B., Yi, M., Wen, L., and Suomalainen, K. (2022). A cointegration analysis of New Zealand’s economic development, fossil fuel usage and transport emissions. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(4), 2397-2505. 

Yi, M., Liu, Y., Sheng., M.S. and Wen, L. (2022). Effects of the digital economy on carbon emission reduction: New evidence from China. Energy Policy, 171, 113271. 

Zhai, Z., Fu, X., Yi, M., Sheng, M.., & Guang, F. (2022). Haze management: is urban public transportation priority effective? Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Lin, X., Qi, L., Pan, H., Sharp, B.(2022). COVID-19 Pandemic, technological progress and food security based on a dynamic CGE model. Sustainability, 14(3), 1842. 

Suomalainen, K., Wen, L., Sheng, M. & Sharp, B. (2022). Climate change impact on the cost of decarbonisation in a hydro-based power system. Energy, 246, 123369 

Zhang, Y., Qi, L., Lin, X., Pan, H., & Sharp, B. (2022). Synergistic effect of carbon ETS and carbon tax under China's peak emission target: A dynamic CGE analysis. Science of The Total Environment, 825, 154076. 

E. Izadpanahi, A. Downward, T. Arthanari, and Y. Liu. Robust optimization for energy transition planning in manufacturing firms: An integrated model addressing economic and environmental issues. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334 (2022). 

Sheng, M. S., Wen, L., & Sharp, B., Du, B., Ranjitkar, P. and Wilson, D. (2022). A spatio-temporal approach to electric vehicle uptake: Evidence from New Zealand. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 105, 103256. 

Jiang S., Lin, X., Qi, L.*, Zhang, Y., Sharp, B. (2022) The macro-economic and CO2 emission s impacts of COVID-19 and recovery policies in China. Economic Analysis and Policy, 76, 981-996. 

Jiang S., Qi, L., Lin, X. (2022) The impacts of COVID-19 shock on intergenerational income mobility: Evidence from China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), 11546. 

Sheng, M.S., Sharp, B., Yi, M., Wen, L. and Suomalainen, K. (2022). A cointegration analysis of New Zealand’s economic development, fossil fuel usage and transport emissions. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(4), 2497-2505. 

Majhi, C.R., Ranjitkar, P., Sheng, M., (2022). Optimal allocation of dynamic wireless charging facility for electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D: Transport & Environment, Vol. 111.  

Yi, Y., Wen, L., & He, S. (2022). Partitioning for Common but Differentiated Precise Air Pollution Governance: A Combined Machine Learning and Spatial Econometric Approach. Energies, 15(9), 3346. 

Majhi, R.C., Ranjitkar, P. and Sheng,M. (2022). Assessment of dynamic wireless charging based electric road system: A case study of Auckland motorway. Sustainable Cities and Society, 84, 104039. 

Deng, Y., Guang, F., Hong, S., and Wen, L. (2022). How does power technology innovation affect carbon productivity? A spatial perspective in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-21488-0

Qi, L., Zhang, Y., Lin, X., Pan, H., and Sharp, B. 2023). Feed-in tariffs and carbon ETS: a dynamic CGE analysis for China’s renewable electricity industry. The Journal of Environmental Management.

Jiang S., Lin, X., Qi, L.*, Zhang, Y., Sharp, B. (2022) The macro-economic and CO2 emission s impacts of COVID-19 and recovery policies in China. Economic Analysis and Policy, 76, 981-996. 

Sheng, M.S., Sharp, B., Yi, M., Wen, L. and Suomalainen, K. (2022). A cointegration analysis of New Zealand’s economic development, fossil fuel usage and transport emissions. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(4), 2497-2505. 


Majhi, R. C.,Ranjitkar, P., Sheng, M., Covic, G. A., & Wilson, D. J. (2020). Asystematic review of charging infrastructure location problem for electric vehicles. Transport Reviews, 1-24. 10.1080/01441647.2020.1854365

Wang, Y., Sharp, B., Poletti, S., & Nam, K. M. (2021). Economic and land use impacts of net zero-emission target in New Zealand. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 1-18.

Gholami, M. B., Poletti, S., & Staffell, I. (2021). Wind, rain, fire and sun: Towards zero carbon electricity for New Zealand. Energy Policy, 150, 112109.

Poletti, S., & Staffell, I. (2021). Understanding New Zealand’s wind resources as a route to 100% renewable electricity. Renewable Energy, 170, 449-461.

Poletti, S. (2021). Market Power in the New Zealand electricity wholesale market 2010–2016. Energy Economics, 94, 105078.

Wen, L., Guang, FT. & Sharp, B. (2021). Dynamics in Aotearoa New Zealand’s energy consumption between 2006/2007 and 2012/2013. Energy, 10.1016/

Sheng, M., Sreenivasan, A. V., Sharp, B. & Du, B. (2021). Well to Wheel comparison of light-duty vehicles: A scenario analysis of New Zealand and Australia. Energy Policy.

Wen, L., Suomalainen, K., Sharp, B., Yi, M. & Sheng, M. (2021). Impact of
wind-hydro dynamics on electricity price: A seasonal spatial econometric
analysis. Energy, 238, 122076.


Poletti S. & Wright, J. Real-time pricing and imperfect competition in electricity markets. The Journal of Industrial Economics.

Zhang, W. W., Zhao, B., Gu, Y., Sharp, B., Xu, S. C., & Liou, K. N.  Environmental impact of national and Management subnational carbon policies in China based on a multi-regional dynamic CGE model. Journal of Environmental Management.

Ramesh Chandra Majhia, Prakash Ranjitkara, Mingyue Sheng, Grant A.  Impact of bus rapid transit on residential property prices in Auckland, New Zealand. Journal of Transport Geography.

Mingyue Sheng, Ajith Viswanath Sreenivasan, Basil Sharp, Douglas Wilson, Prakash Ranjitkar.. Economic analysis of dynamic inductive power transfer roadway charging system under public-private partnership-Evidence from New Zealand, Technological Forecast and Social Change.

Ming Yi, Yiqian Wang, Mingyue Sheng, Basil Sharp, Yao Zhang,  Effects of heterogeneous technical progress on haze pollution: Evidence from China. Ecological Economics.

Guang, F. & Wen, L. Growth pattern changes in China’s energy consumption.  Environmental Science and Pollution Research.   

Habibian, M., Zakeri, G., Downward, A., Anjos, M. F., & Ferris, M. (2020). Co-optimization of demand response and interruptible load reserve offers for a price-making major consumer. Energy systems-optimization modeling simulation and economic aspects, 11 (1), 45-71. 10.1007/s12667-018-0312-x.        

Habibian, M., Downward, A., & Zakeri, G. (2020). Multistage stochastic demand-side management for price-making major consumers of electricity in a co-optimized energy and reserve market. European Journal of Operational Research, 280 (2), 671-688. 10.1016/j.ejor.2019.07.037.


Yongxiu, H., Fengtao, G., Wen, L. and Sharp, B.  Energy intensity and its differences across China’s regions: Combining econometric analysis and decomposition analysis, The Energy Journal.

Sheng, Mingyue; Sharp, Basil. Commuter’s Transport Mode Preferences and Social Network Effects in New Zealand.  Journal of Transport Economics and Policy.

Sheng, M.; Sharp, B. Aggregate road passenger travel demand in New Zealand: A seemingly
unrelated regression approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 124, 55-68. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2019.03.005 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

Suomalainen, K., Eyers, D., Ford, R., Stephenson, J., Anderson, B. and Jack, M., Detailed comparison of energy-related time-use diaries and monitored residential electricity demand. Journal of Energy and Buildings. 

Downward, A., Chowdhury and S., Jayalath, C. An investigation of route-choice in integrated public transport networks by risk-averse users. Public Transport.


Downward, A. and Philpott, A. Market power and forward prices. Economic Letters, vol. 166, issue C, 6-9.

Habibian, M., G. Zakeri, A. Downward, M. Anjos and M. Ferris. Co-optimization of demand response and reserve offers for a major consumer. Energy Systems, DOI 10.1007/s12667-018-0312-x.

Habibian, M., Downward, A. and Zakeri, G. Multistage Stochastic Demand-side Management for Price-Making Major Consumers of Electricity. Optimization Online. 

Hoicka, C. and MacArthur, J. From tip to toes: Mapping community energy models in Canada and New Zealand. Energy Policy 121: 162-174, June 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.06.002.

MacArthur, J. and Matthewman, S. Populist resistance and alternative transitions: Indigenous ownership of energy infrastructure in Aotearoa New Zealand. Energy Research and Social Science 2018:43.

Zakeri, G. and Pritchard, G. A review of simulation usage in the New Zealand electricity market. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 231, pp. 23-37.

Zakeri, G., Pritchard G, Bjorndal E. and Bjorndal M. Pricing wind: A revenue adequate, cost recovering, uniform price auction for electricity markets with intermittent generation. INFORMS Journal of Optimization.

Zhang, W.W., Sharp, B. and Xu, S.C. (2019). Does Economic growth and energy consumption drive environmental degradation in China’s 31 provinces? New evidence from a spatial econometric perspective. Applied Economics.

Sheng, M., Sreenivasan, A.V., Sharp, B. Wilson, D. and Ranjitkar, P. Economic Analysis of a Dynamic Inductive Power Transfer Roadway Charging System under Public-Private Partnership – Evidence from New Zealand. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 

Wen, L. Sharp, B. and Sbai, E. Spatial Econometric Estimation of the Merit-Order Effect of Wind Penetration and its Implication for Wind Farm Investment Decisions in New Zealand. The Energy Journal. DOI: 10.5547/01956574.41.2.lwen


Batstone, S., G. Pritchard, G. Zakeri. Non-invasive test scheduling of the grid over live electricity markets, Interfaces.

Berka A. Community energy in the UK: A Short History, Chapter 59 in: Handbook of Participation and Energy Transitions (Eds. Holstenkamp L., Radtke J.), Springer VS Wiesbaden. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-09416-4, ISBN: 978-3-658-09416-4.

Berka A., E. Creamer. Taking stock of the local impacts of community owned renewable energy: a review and research agenda. Sustainable and Renewable Energy Reviews. 

Berka A., J. Harnmeijer, B. Slee. Crossing the Rubicon: the 2015 UK renewable electricity reforms and implications for Scotland. Chapter 8 in: A Critical Review of Scottish Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Policy: Implications for the Independence Debate, Wood G. and Baker K. (Eds.), London: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56898-0, ISBN: 978-3-319-56898-0.

Harnmeijer, A. A comparative analysis of the costs of onshore wind energy: is there a case for community specific support?, Energy Policy.

MacArthur, Julie L. “Chapter 55: Community energy in Aotearoa/New Zealand” in Lars Holstenkamp and Jörg Radtke (eds) Energy Transition and Participation, Springer VS.

Suomalainen, Kiti, Vincent Wang, and Basil Sharp. Rooftop solar potential based on LiDAR data: Bottom-up assessment at neighbourhood level, Renewable Energy, 111, 463-473.

Zakeri, G., J. Khazaei and S. Oren. Single and Multi-settlement Approaches to Market Clearing under Demand Uncertainty, Operations Research.


Downward, A., D. Young, G. Zakeri. Electricity contracting and policy choices under risk-aversion, European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, 251, 3, pp 846-859.

Flores-Quiroz, A., R. Palma-Behnke, G. Zakeri, R. Moreno. A column generation approach for solving generation expansion planning problems with high renewable energy penetration. Electric Power Systems Research, 2016, 136, pp 232-241.

Suomalainen, K. and B. Sharp. Electricity Sector Transformation and Renewable Energy Development in New Zealand, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2016.

Wu, A. Philpott, G. Zakeri. Investment and generation optimization in electricity systems with intermittent supply, Energy Systems, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s12667-016-0210-z.


Browne, O., Browne, O., Poletti, S., & Young, D. (2015). How does market power affect the impact of large scale wind investment in 'energy only' wholesale electricity markets?. Energy Policy, 87, 17-27. 

Burnell, J., B. van Campen, N. Kortright, J. Lawless, J. McLeod, K. Luketina, B. Robson. Sustainability of TVZ Geothermal Systems: The Regulatory Perspective, Geothermics-TVZ Special Issue, August 2015.

Cleland, N., B. Young, G. Zakeri. Boomer-Consumer: a model for load consumption and reserve offers in reserve constrained electricity markets, Computational Management Science, 12 (4), 519-537, 2015.

Puschel-Lovengreen, S., R. Palma-Behnke, B. van Campen. Systematic Tool to Plan and Evaluate Demand Side Strategies during Sustained Energy crises in Hydrothermal Power Systems, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, October 2015.