Research programmes
Develop advanced knowledge and skills and investigate a research topic of your interest through our specialist masters and PhD programmes.

By completing study at honours or masters level, you will acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of the different perspectives, ideas and debates in your discipline. You will have opportunities to develop a strong disciplinary basis in terms of the relevant theory, knowledge and practice, understanding how it all fits into a global context. Throughout your study you will further develop your communication, teamwork and leadership skills and cross-cultural understanding.
Graduates will be prepared for specialist positions in the public and private sectors that make an impact on society, such as:
- Accounting, auditing and banking professional
- Adviser – policy, investment, data, security, HR, general management
- Analyst – public or private sector
- Consultant – business, management, IT, supply chain
- Manager – project, marketing, digital, brand, business development
Honours programmes
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
If you have achieved consistently high grades in your Bachelor of Commerce degree you could be eligible for the honours programme. This flexible programme will provide you with an additional year of postgraduate research-based study to develop your analytical skills and critical thinking as they apply to real world challenges, in New Zealand and internationally.
You will complete a set of advanced courses in the discipline, including a research methods/design course and a short 30-point research essay that will demonstrate your independent research skills. There are eight specialisations within this programme for you to choose from: Accounting, Commercial Law, Economics, Finance, Global Management and Innovation, Information Systems, Marketing, and Operations and Supply Chain Management.
If you perform well, a bachelors (honours) degree can lead onto a masters or, a PhD.
Research masters
Master of Commerce (120 or 180 points)
If you have a first degree in the same discipline, this masters will enable you to pursue a specialised qualification at an advanced level. It will prepare you for specialist positions in the public and private sector or to pursue further advanced study.
Our new redesigned 180-point MCom offers two smaller research output options alongside the 60-point Dissertation. Students can opt for either the Research Project, which provides further training in research and disciplinary knowledge, or the Consultancy Project, emphasising applied knowledge and professional capabilities relevant for entry into the job market. The 120-point programme offers a thesis pathway for students with relevant preparatory research experience.
You can choose from eight specialisations: Accounting, Commercial Law, Economics, Finance, Global Management and Innovation (includes Organisation Studies, HRM, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and International Business), Information Systems, Marketing, and Operations and Supply Chain Management.
A coursework pathway is also available for this programme.
PhD study
At the Business School you will become a member of a strong cohort of academics and senior students, dedicated to helping you develop as a researcher, professional and individual. The quality of the PhD programme is not just by its outstanding scholarship, but also by its pastoral care for students who also enjoy social events, workshops, retreats and conferences.
Doctoral research subject areas include: Accounting, Commercial Law, Economics, Finance, Information Systems, International Business, Management, Marketing, Operations and Supply Chain Management, and Property.
The PhD is directed by an appointed supervisor, cosupervisor and possibly an advisory committee. It can be completed within three to four years of full-time study or on a part-time basis.