Dr William Cheung

Walking towards sustainable cities: Unleashing the transformative power of walkability

Tell us a bit about your research

My research takes a transdisciplinary approach, bridging areas across economics, urban studies, and tourism. I strive to shed light on the crucial role of urban property market dynamics in shaping society's well-being and sustainability.

At the forefront of my current research portfolio is an ambitious project focused on understanding the transformative power of walkability in urban environments. This groundbreaking endeavour earned me the 2022 Waipapa Taumata Rau Early Career Researcher Excellence Award, highlighting its significance.

Imagine a city where residents can effortlessly stroll along vibrant streets, enjoy accessible parks and green spaces, and reach their daily destinations on foot. This vision holds immense potential for enhancing the quality of life, promoting health and well-being, and fostering sustainable urban development. Recognizing the critical role of walkability, my research team and I have set out to uncover its multidimensional impacts and design evidence-based strategies to create pedestrian-friendly cities.

Imagine a city where residents can effortlessly stroll along vibrant streets, enjoy accessible parks and green spaces, and reach their daily destinations on foot.

My research on walkability embraces a holistic approach, integrating urban design, transportation planning, public health, and social dynamics. I am dedicated to unravelling the intricate relationships between built environments and human behaviours through state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies like machine learning, mobile location data analysis, spatial analysis, agent-based modeling, and participatory mapping.

By studying how walkable environments influence social interaction, community cohesion, physical activity, and economic vitality, I aim to provide insights that inform urban development policies and practices.

Why is your research important?

The impact of my walkability research extends beyond academia. I actively collaborate with urban planning scholars, local governments, and community stakeholders to translate my findings into actionable recommendations. By forging strong partnerships with key decision-makers, I am confident that this research will directly contribute to tangible changes in the urban fabric.

My research also delves into other critical areas. One such area is affordable housing policy, where I strive to understand the economics of housing affordability and explore innovative solutions. By examining such issues as residential mobility, housing subsidies, and the effects of housing wealth on affordability, I aim to improve living standards for the general public.

Furthermore, I explore the intersection of tourism and urban development, examining the impact of tourism on resident-visitor relations and the dynamics of touristification. I aim to develop sustainable tourism management strategies and challenge traditional views on overtourism. By highlighting the irreversible nature of visitor-resident relations, I provide valuable insights that guide urban planning and design decisions.

Let us collaborate, innovate, and make a lasting impact on the way we design, build, and live in our urban spaces.

My research also has practical implications for government policies and industry practices. I actively engage in national science challenges and funded research projects, collaborating with policymakers and industry experts. My work on novel housing price indicators enhances market transparency, offering valuable insights for policymakers and investors. My research on the impact of Airbnb and tourism provides new perspectives on short-term accommodation regulations, aiding policy debates and facilitating tourism recovery plans in the post-Covid era.

In the field of sustainable housing and the built environment, my research has made significant contributions. One notable achievement is the re-conceptualization of housing affordability in shared-equity homeownership, differentiating between "entry-affordability" and "exit-affordability." This innovative approach has informed policy discussions in countries like Australia, China, Hong Kong, Norway, the UK, and the US, where shared equity programs are prevalent. Moreover, my investigation into land governance in co-ownership has quantified the value of governance, influencing reforms in New Zealand's Unit Title Act.

I take pride in the international recognition my research has garnered, receiving prestigious research grants and scholarships, including the Australian Endeavour Research Fellowship, the U.S. Fulbright Research Award, and the Ronald Coase Institute Fellowship. These accolades validate the high quality of my research and enable me to collaborate with leading researchers worldwide.

Throughout my research journey, I have had the privilege of presenting my findings at esteemed institutions such as UCLA in the United States, the University of Hong Kong's Faculty of Architecture, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School. These opportunities have allowed me to share my insights with international audiences and foster collaborations that drive impactful research.

Ultimately, my overarching research agenda revolves around understanding the role of neighbourhood effects in shaping housing and the built environment. By unravelling these complexities, I aim to contribute to evidence-based policy formulation and improve the well-being of communities. As I continue to explore new avenues of research, I am excited about the potential impact my work can have in addressing the pressing challenges of housing affordability, sustainable tourism, and urban development.

I am dedicated to making a tangible difference in the world with each project I undertake. Whether it's creating walkable cities that prioritize human well-being, developing affordable housing solutions that empower individuals and families, or fostering sustainable tourism practices that benefit both residents and visitors, my research is driven by a deep commitment to improving the lives of people and the sustainability of our urban environments.

I invite fellow researchers to join me on this exciting journey. Together, we can push the boundaries of knowledge, inspire positive change, and create a future where cities are vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable.